Malik Samarasinghe

About Malik Samarasinghe

Malik Samarasinghe, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Colombo, specializes in the field of Paediatric surgery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Virilization and feminization in an adolescent boy with 45X/46XY DSD due to bilateral gonadoblastomas: A case report

Morphometric variations of Cajal-like cells are associated with pelviureteric junction obstruction in children

Adrenocortical tumors in children: Sri Lankan experience from a single center, and a mini review

Dirofilarial nodule as a differential diagnosis for subcutaneous lumps in children

2D echocardiogram findings in neonates born with anorectal malformations in Sri Lanka

A report of haploidentical allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for inherited bone marrow failure in Sri Lanka

A matter of time: delayed presentation and rapid progression from gonadotropin-independent to gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty following successful treatment for a …

Gastric Basidiobolomycosis masquerading as a malignancy in a child

Malik Samarasinghe Information



Senior Lecturer in Surgery (Paediatrics)



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Malik Samarasinghe Skills & Research Interests

Paediatric surgery

Top articles of Malik Samarasinghe

Virilization and feminization in an adolescent boy with 45X/46XY DSD due to bilateral gonadoblastomas: A case report

Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports


Malik Samarasinghe
Malik Samarasinghe

H-Index: 2

Sumudu Nimali Seneviratne
Sumudu Nimali Seneviratne

H-Index: 6

Morphometric variations of Cajal-like cells are associated with pelviureteric junction obstruction in children

BJU international


Adrenocortical tumors in children: Sri Lankan experience from a single center, and a mini review


Malik Samarasinghe
Malik Samarasinghe

H-Index: 2

Dirofilarial nodule as a differential diagnosis for subcutaneous lumps in children

Pediatric Surgery International


Naveen Wijekoon
Naveen Wijekoon

H-Index: 3

Malik Samarasinghe
Malik Samarasinghe

H-Index: 2

2D echocardiogram findings in neonates born with anorectal malformations in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health


Malik Samarasinghe
Malik Samarasinghe

H-Index: 2

Naveen Wijekoon
Naveen Wijekoon

H-Index: 3

A report of haploidentical allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for inherited bone marrow failure in Sri Lanka

Ceylon Medical Journal


A matter of time: delayed presentation and rapid progression from gonadotropin-independent to gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty following successful treatment for a …

Case Reports in Pediatrics


Gastric Basidiobolomycosis masquerading as a malignancy in a child

Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports


Variations in the density and distribution of cajal like cells associated with the pathogenesis of ureteropelvic junction obstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Gender-role behaviour and gender identity in girls with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia

BMC pediatrics


Sumudu Nimali Seneviratne
Sumudu Nimali Seneviratne

H-Index: 6

Malik Samarasinghe
Malik Samarasinghe

H-Index: 2

Swyer syndrome with progressive virilization in a Sri Lankan child

Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health


Malik Samarasinghe
Malik Samarasinghe

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Malik Samarasinghe University(University of Colombo)