Mahmoud Tabrizchi

About Mahmoud Tabrizchi

Mahmoud Tabrizchi, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Isfahan University of Technology, specializes in the field of ion mobility spectrometry, mass spectrometry, laser spectroscopy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Cyanide determination in postmortem blood samples using Headspace-Ion Mobility Spectrometry (HS-IMS)

Solid phase microextraction arrow-ion mobility spectrometry for determination of selected pesticides in water

Substrate-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Some Small Biomolecules Using TiO2-Nanotubes: The Effect of Nanotube …

Ion–shift reagent binding energy and the mass–mobility shift correlation in ion mobility spectrometry

Fast and selective determination of the gasodor S-free using ion mobility spectrometer equipped with corona discharged ionization source: Theoretical study, experimental …

Dynamic Response of Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Ion-shift reagent binding energy and the shift-mass correlation in ion mobility spectrometry

Li+ and Na+ attachment to some dipeptides via LDI-TOF mass spectrometry: Fragmentation patterns

Mahmoud Tabrizchi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mahmoud Tabrizchi Skills & Research Interests

ion mobility spectrometry

mass spectrometry

laser spectroscopy

Top articles of Mahmoud Tabrizchi

Cyanide determination in postmortem blood samples using Headspace-Ion Mobility Spectrometry (HS-IMS)

Forensic Chemistry


Ali Moaddeli
Ali Moaddeli

H-Index: 9

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Solid phase microextraction arrow-ion mobility spectrometry for determination of selected pesticides in water

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Substrate-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Some Small Biomolecules Using TiO2-Nanotubes: The Effect of Nanotube …

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Ion–shift reagent binding energy and the mass–mobility shift correlation in ion mobility spectrometry

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Fast and selective determination of the gasodor S-free using ion mobility spectrometer equipped with corona discharged ionization source: Theoretical study, experimental …



Kiomars Zargoosh
Kiomars Zargoosh

H-Index: 9

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Dynamic Response of Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Ion-shift reagent binding energy and the shift-mass correlation in ion mobility spectrometry


Roberto Fernandez-Maestre
Roberto Fernandez-Maestre

H-Index: 13

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Li+ and Na+ attachment to some dipeptides via LDI-TOF mass spectrometry: Fragmentation patterns

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy


Using surfactants as matrix for the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) of amino acids: Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and …

Biophysical Chemistry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Sodium salts effect on the time of flight mass spectra of some amino acids in the direct‐laser desorption ionization and matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Effective collisional cross‐section of small ions in the gas phase: Application to ion mobility spectrometry

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Gas-phase study of adduct and exchange complexation reactions between two and tridimensional macrocyclic ligands using ion mobility spectrometry and mass spectrometry

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

A facile method for sample preparation of ore for quantitative analysis by laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry using an internal standard

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry


Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Online detection and measurement of elemental mercury vapor by ion mobility spectrometry with chloroform dopant

Journal of Chromatography A


Younes Valadbeigi
Younes Valadbeigi

H-Index: 11

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Ion gating in ion mobility spectrometry: Principles and advances


Chuang Chen
Chuang Chen

H-Index: 56

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Haiyang Li
Haiyang Li

H-Index: 6

Rapid analysis of lithium in serum samples by thermal ionization ion mobility spectrometry

International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry


Mechanism of lithiation of amino acids in aqueous solutions: A laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry and theoretical study

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry


Younes Valadbeigi
Younes Valadbeigi

H-Index: 11

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

Ion mobility spectrometry and theoretical study for investigation of thermal decomposition, chemical ionization, and dimer formation of proline

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry


Study of Laser Desorption-Ionization of [Co (H2O) 6](NO3) 2,[Co (H2O) 7] SO4,[Co (NH3) 5Cl] Cl2,[Co (NH3) 4CO3] NO3,[Fe (H2O) 6] SO4 and [Fe (H2O) 7](NO3) 3 Complexes by Time …

Nashrieh Shimi va Mohandesi Shimi Iran


Seyed Hamid Khansari Zadeh
Seyed Hamid Khansari Zadeh

H-Index: 2

Mahmoud Tabrizchi
Mahmoud Tabrizchi

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Mahmoud Tabrizchi University(Isfahan University of Technology)

