Maddison L Mellow

About Maddison L Mellow

Maddison L Mellow, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of South Australia, specializes in the field of exercise neurophysiology, dementia, time use.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Age-related changes in responsiveness to non-invasive brain stimulation neuroplasticity paradigms: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Food, nutrition and the dining experience in aged care settings: Findings of a nationwide survey

Cross-sectional associations between 24-hour time-use composition, grey matter volume and cognitive function in healthy older adults

The association between reallocations of time and health using compositional data analysis: a systematic scoping review with an interactive data exploration interface

Twenty-four-hour time-use composition and cognitive function in older adults: cross-sectional findings of the ACTIVate study

Mixed-methods evaluation of Daily Moves, a community-based physical activity program for older adults

Many different roads lead to Rome: equivalence of time-use for activity, sedentary and sleep behaviours and dietary intake profiles among adolescents

The perceived mental effort of everyday activities in older adults

Maddison L Mellow Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Maddison L Mellow Skills & Research Interests

exercise neurophysiology


time use

Top articles of Maddison L Mellow

Age-related changes in responsiveness to non-invasive brain stimulation neuroplasticity paradigms: A systematic review with meta-analysis


Maddison L Mellow
Maddison L Mellow

H-Index: 3

Food, nutrition and the dining experience in aged care settings: Findings of a nationwide survey

Australasian Journal on Ageing


Maddison L Mellow
Maddison L Mellow

H-Index: 3

Kurt Lushington
Kurt Lushington

H-Index: 31

Cross-sectional associations between 24-hour time-use composition, grey matter volume and cognitive function in healthy older adults

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


The association between reallocations of time and health using compositional data analysis: a systematic scoping review with an interactive data exploration interface


Twenty-four-hour time-use composition and cognitive function in older adults: cross-sectional findings of the ACTIVate study

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


Mixed-methods evaluation of Daily Moves, a community-based physical activity program for older adults

BMC geriatrics


Maddison L Mellow
Maddison L Mellow

H-Index: 3

Danielle Girard
Danielle Girard

H-Index: 2

Many different roads lead to Rome: equivalence of time-use for activity, sedentary and sleep behaviours and dietary intake profiles among adolescents

Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors


The perceived mental effort of everyday activities in older adults

Experimental Gerontology


Dorothea Dumuid
Dorothea Dumuid

H-Index: 19

Maddison L Mellow
Maddison L Mellow

H-Index: 3

How are combinations of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep related to cognitive function in older adults? A systematic review


Does APOE ɛ4 status change how 24-hour time-use composition is associated with cognitive function? An exploratory analysis among middle-to-older adults

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease


Characterising activity and diet compositions for dementia prevention: protocol for the ACTIVate prospective longitudinal cohort study

BMJ open


Combined physical and cognitive training for older adults with and without cognitive impairment: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials


The use of virtual reality to influence motivation, affect, enjoyment, and engagement during exercise: A scoping review


Maddison L Mellow
Maddison L Mellow

H-Index: 3

Gaynor Parfitt
Gaynor Parfitt

H-Index: 33

Acute aerobic exercise and neuroplasticity of the motor cortex: a systematic review


Maddison L Mellow
Maddison L Mellow

H-Index: 3

Scott Coussens
Scott Coussens

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Maddison L Mellow University(University of South Australia)

