Márcia Giovenardi

About Márcia Giovenardi

Márcia Giovenardi, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, specializes in the field of neurociências, comportamento social.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of Probiotic Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LB1.5 on Anxiety-like Behavior, Neuroprotection and Neuroinflammation Markers of Male Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet

Effects of omega-3 supplementation on anxiety-like behaviors and neuroinflammation in Wistar rats following cafeteria diet-induced obesity

Calorie restriction mitigates metabolic, behavioral and neurochemical effects of cafeteria diet in aged male rats

Effects of different maternal diets on adipose tissue inflammation and liver tissue oxidative stress in dams and their female offspring

A high-fat diet changes placental morphology but does not change biochemical parameters, placental oxidative stress or cytokine levels

Cannabidiol treatment improves metabolic profile and decreases hypothalamic inflammation caused by maternal obesity

Impact of cafeteria diet and n3 supplementation on the intestinal microbiota, fatty acids levels, neuroinflammatory markers and social memory in male rats

Zinc supplementation partially decreases the harmful effects of a cafeteria diet in rats but does not prevent intestinal dysbiosis

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hIndex(since 2020)




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comportamento social

Top articles of Márcia Giovenardi

Effect of Probiotic Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LB1.5 on Anxiety-like Behavior, Neuroprotection and Neuroinflammation Markers of Male Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet



Patrícia Molz
Patrícia Molz

H-Index: 10

Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Effects of omega-3 supplementation on anxiety-like behaviors and neuroinflammation in Wistar rats following cafeteria diet-induced obesity

Nutritional Neuroscience


Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Marilene Porawski
Marilene Porawski

H-Index: 10

Calorie restriction mitigates metabolic, behavioral and neurochemical effects of cafeteria diet in aged male rats

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry


Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Effects of different maternal diets on adipose tissue inflammation and liver tissue oxidative stress in dams and their female offspring

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry


A high-fat diet changes placental morphology but does not change biochemical parameters, placental oxidative stress or cytokine levels



Patrícia Molz
Patrícia Molz

H-Index: 10

Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Cannabidiol treatment improves metabolic profile and decreases hypothalamic inflammation caused by maternal obesity

Frontiers in Nutrition


Tiago Franco De Oliveira
Tiago Franco De Oliveira

H-Index: 10

Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Impact of cafeteria diet and n3 supplementation on the intestinal microbiota, fatty acids levels, neuroinflammatory markers and social memory in male rats

Physiology & Behavior


Zinc supplementation partially decreases the harmful effects of a cafeteria diet in rats but does not prevent intestinal dysbiosis



DHA/EPA supplementation decreases anxiety-like behaviour, but it does not ameliorate metabolic profile in obese male rats

British Journal of Nutrition


Neuroinflammatory responses following zinc or branched-chain amino acids supplementation in obese rats

Metabolic Brain Disease


Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Marilene Porawski
Marilene Porawski

H-Index: 10

Caloric restriction in mice improves short-term recognition memory and modifies the neuroinflammatory response in the hippocampus of male adult offspring

Behavioural Brain Research


Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Dietary interventions in mice affect oxidative stress and gene expression of the Prlr and Esr1 in the adipose tissue and hypothalamus of dams and their offspring

Journal of physiology and biochemistry


Dinara Jaqueline Moura
Dinara Jaqueline Moura

H-Index: 18

Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Mood disorders induced by maternal overnutrition: the role of the gut-brain axis on the development of depression and anxiety


Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

Victorio Bambini-Junior
Victorio Bambini-Junior

H-Index: 13

Gene expression evaluation of antioxidant enzymes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: RT-qPCR and bioinformatic analyses

Genetics and Molecular Biology


Zinc Supplementation Decreases Obesity‐Related Neuroinflammation and Improves Metabolic Function and Memory in Rats



Neurotrophic factors in the posterodorsal medial amygdala of male and cycling female rats

Brain Research Bulletin


Restriction and hyperlipidic diets during pregnancy, lactation and adult life modified the expression of dopaminergic system related genes both in female mice and their adult …

Brain Research Bulletin


Márcia Giovenardi
Márcia Giovenardi

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Márcia Giovenardi University(Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre)