Luis Eduardo Kosteski

About Luis Eduardo Kosteski

Luis Eduardo Kosteski, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal do Pampa, specializes in the field of mecânica de sólidos, Método dos elementos discretos.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Experimental and combined finite-discrete element simulation of the fracture behaviour of a rigid polyurethane foam

Numerical analysis of the influence of the contact boundary condition and specimen geometry on concrete compressive strength

Sílica proveniente da queima da casca de arroz utilizada como substituto parcial do cimento no concreto autoadensável

A novel peridynamic approach for fracture analysis of quasi-brittle materials

Model Uncertainty in Design and Reliability Assessments of Structures subjected to Impact

Numerical analysis of masonry walls with horizontal chases using the Lattice Discrete element method (LDEM)

Long-range correlations and natural time series analyses from acoustic emission signals

Influence of contact friction in compression tests of concrete samples

Luis Eduardo Kosteski Information



Professor de Engenharia Civil



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Luis Eduardo Kosteski Skills & Research Interests

mecânica de sólidos

Método dos elementos discretos

Top articles of Luis Eduardo Kosteski

Experimental and combined finite-discrete element simulation of the fracture behaviour of a rigid polyurethane foam

Engineering Fracture Mechanics


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Ignacio Iturrioz
Ignacio Iturrioz

H-Index: 15

Numerical analysis of the influence of the contact boundary condition and specimen geometry on concrete compressive strength

Procedia Structural Integrity


Sílica proveniente da queima da casca de arroz utilizada como substituto parcial do cimento no concreto autoadensável

Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental


A novel peridynamic approach for fracture analysis of quasi-brittle materials

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences


Model Uncertainty in Design and Reliability Assessments of Structures subjected to Impact


Numerical analysis of masonry walls with horizontal chases using the Lattice Discrete element method (LDEM)

Engineering Structures


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Long-range correlations and natural time series analyses from acoustic emission signals

Applied Sciences


Influence of contact friction in compression tests of concrete samples

Construction and Building Materials


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Influence of Steel Fibers and Casting Direction on the Bond Between Concrete and Reinforcement Bars


Letícia Larré De Oliveira
Letícia Larré De Oliveira

H-Index: 1

Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Strength capacity of hollow clay blocks structural masonry-Flange, Chases, and slenderness effects

Engineering Structures


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

A study by the lattice discrete element method for exploring the fractal nature of scale effects

Scientific Reports


Case study of prototype and small-scale model behavior of clay blocks masonry under compression

Case Studies in Construction Materials


Aplicação da Peridinâmica na Simulação de Ensaios de Emissão Acústica em Compósitos Reforçados com Fibras

Mecánica Computacional


Evolução das Correlações de Longo Alcance em Sinais de Emissão Acústica Capturados em um Modelo Peridinâmico

Mecánica Computacional


A Inlfuência da Aleatoriedade na Predição do Comportamento de Transição Dúctil-Frágil Usando Simulações Peridinâmicas

Mecánica Computacional


Estudo do Ensaio de Tração na Flexão Utilizando o Lattice Discrete Element Method (LDEM) Implementado Dentro do Ambiente Abaqus

Mecánica Computacional


Mortars produced with an environmentally sustainable rice HUSK silica: Rheological properties

Journal of cleaner production


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Fernanda Bianchi Pereira Da Costa
Fernanda Bianchi Pereira Da Costa

H-Index: 3

Numerical and experimental evaluation of the anisotropic behavior and boundary condition of a structural concrete

Construction and Building Materials


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Analysis of strength of brittle materials under different strain rates using ldem simulations

Revista Sul-americana de Engenharia Estrutural


Chiara Valsecchi
Chiara Valsecchi

H-Index: 7

Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

Comprimento de correlação da dureza em um concreto autoadensável

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


Luis Eduardo Kosteski
Luis Eduardo Kosteski

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Luis Eduardo Kosteski University(Universidade Federal do Pampa)