Luca Giuggioli

Luca Giuggioli

University of Bristol

H-index: 27

Europe-United Kingdom

About Luca Giuggioli

Luca Giuggioli, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Bristol, specializes in the field of Movement ecology, Complex systems, Stochastic processes, Random walks.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Persistent and anti-Persistent Motion in Bounded and Unbounded Space: Resolution of the First-Passage Problem

Particle-environment interactions in arbitrary dimensions: A unifying analytic framework to model diffusion with inert spatial heterogeneities

Multi-target search in bounded and heterogeneous environments: a lattice random walk perspective

Extreme value statistics and Arcsine laws of Brownian motion in the presence of a permeable barrier

Exact spatiotemporal dynamics of lattice random walks in hexagonal and honeycomb domains

Subdiffusion in the presence of reactive boundaries: a generalized Feynman–Kac approach

Sociogenesis in unbounded space: modelling self-organised cohesive collective motion

Dynamics of lattice random walk within regions composed of different media and interfaces

Luca Giuggioli Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Luca Giuggioli Skills & Research Interests

Movement ecology

Complex systems

Stochastic processes

Random walks

Top articles of Luca Giuggioli

Persistent and anti-Persistent Motion in Bounded and Unbounded Space: Resolution of the First-Passage Problem

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.13360


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Particle-environment interactions in arbitrary dimensions: A unifying analytic framework to model diffusion with inert spatial heterogeneities

Physical Review Research


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Multi-target search in bounded and heterogeneous environments: a lattice random walk perspective

arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.00464


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Debraj Das
Debraj Das

H-Index: 3

Extreme value statistics and Arcsine laws of Brownian motion in the presence of a permeable barrier

arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.03157


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Exact spatiotemporal dynamics of lattice random walks in hexagonal and honeycomb domains

Physical Review E


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Subdiffusion in the presence of reactive boundaries: a generalized Feynman–Kac approach

Journal of Statistical Physics


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Sociogenesis in unbounded space: modelling self-organised cohesive collective motion

Physical Biology


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Dynamics of lattice random walk within regions composed of different media and interfaces

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment


Debraj Das
Debraj Das

H-Index: 3

Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Misconceptions about quantifying animal encounter and interaction processes

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution


Discrete space-time resetting model: Application to first-passage and transmission statistics

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical


Debraj Das
Debraj Das

H-Index: 3

Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Diffusion through permeable interfaces: fundamental equations and their application to first-passage and local time statistics

Physical Review Research


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Spatio-temporal dynamics of random transmission events: from information sharing to epidemic spread

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Foreword to this special issue


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Mukesh Tiwari
Mukesh Tiwari

H-Index: 5

The defect technique for partially absorbing and reflecting boundaries: application to the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process

International Journal of Modern Physics B


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Theory of the spread of epidemics and movement ecology of animals: an interdisciplinary approach using methodologies of physics and mathematics


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Closed-form solutions to the dynamics of confined biased lattice random walks in arbitrary dimensions

Physical Review E


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

Toward engineering biosystems with emergent collective functions

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology


Exact spatiotemporal dynamics of confined lattice random walks in arbitrary dimensions: A century after Smoluchowski and Pólya

Physical Review X


Luca Giuggioli
Luca Giuggioli

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Luca Giuggioli University(University of Bristol)