Lorena Lazo de la Vega

Lorena Lazo de la Vega

Harvard University

H-index: 10

North America-United States

About Lorena Lazo de la Vega

Lorena Lazo de la Vega, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harvard University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Evolution of clinically relevant variants in advanced pediatric sarcomas

Loss of heterozygosity does not occur in BRCA1/2 mutant pediatric solid and central nervous system tumors

Engagement of patient participation in genomics research by the Osteosarcoma and Leiomyosarcoma Count Me In Projects of the Cancer Moonshot funded PE-CGS Network.

The Osteosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma count me in projects of the cancer moonshot funded PE-CGS network directly engage patient participants in genomics research

Rare FGFR oncogenic alterations in sequenced pediatric solid and brain tumors suggest FGFR is a relevant molecular target in childhood cancer

Molecular profiling identifies targeted therapy opportunities in pediatric solid cancer

Development and validation of StrataNGS, a multiplex PCR, semiconductor sequencing-based comprehensive genomic profiling test

A framework for automated gene selection in genomic applications

Lorena Lazo de la Vega Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Lorena Lazo de la Vega

Evolution of clinically relevant variants in advanced pediatric sarcomas

Cancer Research


Lorena Lazo De La Vega
Lorena Lazo De La Vega

H-Index: 6

Natalie B Collins
Natalie B Collins

H-Index: 8

Loss of heterozygosity does not occur in BRCA1/2 mutant pediatric solid and central nervous system tumors

Pediatric blood & cancer


Andrew Groves
Andrew Groves

H-Index: 0

Lorena Lazo De La Vega
Lorena Lazo De La Vega

H-Index: 6

Anwesha Nag
Anwesha Nag

H-Index: 16

Engagement of patient participation in genomics research by the Osteosarcoma and Leiomyosarcoma Count Me In Projects of the Cancer Moonshot funded PE-CGS Network.


Lorena Lazo De La Vega
Lorena Lazo De La Vega

H-Index: 6

Sarah Winnicki
Sarah Winnicki

H-Index: 1

The Osteosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma count me in projects of the cancer moonshot funded PE-CGS network directly engage patient participants in genomics research

Cancer Research


Rare FGFR oncogenic alterations in sequenced pediatric solid and brain tumors suggest FGFR is a relevant molecular target in childhood cancer

JCO Precision Oncology


Lorena Lazo De La Vega
Lorena Lazo De La Vega

H-Index: 6

Natalie B Collins
Natalie B Collins

H-Index: 8

Molecular profiling identifies targeted therapy opportunities in pediatric solid cancer

Nature medicine


Development and validation of StrataNGS, a multiplex PCR, semiconductor sequencing-based comprehensive genomic profiling test

The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics


A framework for automated gene selection in genomic applications

Genetics in Medicine


Real-world performance of a comprehensive genomic profiling test optimized for small tumor samples

JCO precision oncology


Invasive squamous cell carcinomas and precursor lesions on UV-exposed epithelia demonstrate concordant genomic complexity in driver genes

Modern Pathology


See List of Professors in Lorena Lazo de la Vega University(Harvard University)