Line Kildal Bragstad

About Line Kildal Bragstad

Line Kildal Bragstad, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Oslo, specializes in the field of Complex interventions, implementation, Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, health services research.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Associations between outpatient care and later hospital admissions for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-a registry study from Norway

Patient Characteristics and Healthcare Use for High-cost Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders in Norway: A Cohort Study

Combination of health care service use and the relation to demographic and socioeconomic factors for patients with musculoskeletal disorders: a descriptive cohort study

Patient-reported nausea after implementation of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for gynae-oncology patients

Perspectives of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about disease management in community settings: A cross‐country qualitative study

Early warning scores and trigger recommendations must be used with care in older home nursing care patients: Results from an observational study

Children’s, parents’, and teachers’ experiences of the feasibility of a telerehabilitation intervention for children with acquired brain injury in the chronic phase–a …

Interventions for improving psychosocial well-being after stroke: A systematic review

Line Kildal Bragstad Information



Associate professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Line Kildal Bragstad Skills & Research Interests

Complex interventions


Parkinson’s disease


health services research

Top articles of Line Kildal Bragstad

Associations between outpatient care and later hospital admissions for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-a registry study from Norway

BMC Health Services Research


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Patient Characteristics and Healthcare Use for High-cost Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders in Norway: A Cohort Study


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Combination of health care service use and the relation to demographic and socioeconomic factors for patients with musculoskeletal disorders: a descriptive cohort study

BMC Health Services Research


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Patient-reported nausea after implementation of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for gynae-oncology patients

International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer


Perspectives of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about disease management in community settings: A cross‐country qualitative study

Journal of Clinical Nursing


Claire Reidy
Claire Reidy

H-Index: 5

Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Early warning scores and trigger recommendations must be used with care in older home nursing care patients: Results from an observational study

Nursing Open


Children’s, parents’, and teachers’ experiences of the feasibility of a telerehabilitation intervention for children with acquired brain injury in the chronic phase–a …

BMC Health Services Research


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Interventions for improving psychosocial well-being after stroke: A systematic review


Filling the gap in service provision. Partners as family carers to people with Parkinson's disease: A Scandinavian perspective

Chronic Illness


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Understanding support systems for Parkinson's disease management in community settings: A cross‐national qualitative study

Health Expectations


Coordinated care and individualised communication in Parkinson´ s disease: four perspectives on the meaningfulness of a cross-sectoral intervention.


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Edel Jannecke Svendsen1, 2, 3, Eli Marie Killi4, Nina Rohrer‑Baumgartner1, Ingvil Laberg Holthe1, 5, Maria Sandhaug4, Ida MH Borgen1, 6, Shari L. Wade7, 8, Solveig Laegreid …


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Exploring health and social services in Denmark, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom for the development of Parkinson's care pathways. A document analysis


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Helen C Roberts
Helen C Roberts

H-Index: 26

Rehabilitation for children with chronic acquired brain injury in the Child in Context Intervention (CICI) study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial



Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Jennie Ponsford
Jennie Ponsford

H-Index: 57

Factors associated with care trajectory following acute functional decline in older home nursing care patients: a prospective observational study

Home Health Care Management & Practice


Assessing acute functional decline in older patients in home nursing care settings using the Modified Early Warning Score: A qualitative study of nurses’ and general …

International Journal of Older People Nursing


Perceived study-induced influence on the control group in a randomized controlled trial evaluating a complex intervention to promote psychosocial well-being after stroke: a …



Nurses’ and occupational therapists’ experiences of conducting a home-based psychosocial intervention following stroke: a qualitative process evaluation

BMC Health Services Research


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Marit Kirkevold
Marit Kirkevold

H-Index: 44

OPTIM PARK cross-country project: Patients with PD and family carers perspectives about intersectoral collaboration


Line Kildal Bragstad
Line Kildal Bragstad

H-Index: 9

Psychometric properties of a short version of Lee Fatigue Scale used as a generic PROM in persons with stroke or osteoarthritis: assessment using a Rasch analysis approach

Health and quality of life outcomes


See List of Professors in Line Kildal Bragstad University(Universitetet i Oslo)

