Lindsey Rose Bullinger

About Lindsey Rose Bullinger

Lindsey Rose Bullinger, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Georgia Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of child and family policy, health policy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Infant safe havens

The impact of state Medicaid eligibility and benefits policy on neonatal abstinence syndrome hospitalizations

Effects of Universal and Unconditional Cash Transfers on Child Abuse and Neglect

One Way to Help Prevent Child Abuse? Give Parents Cash.

Association of expanded child tax credit payments with child abuse and neglect emergency department visits

Home, but left alone: time at home and child abuse and neglect during COVID-19

Paid Family Leave: An Upstream Intervention to Prevent Family Violence

Opioid Treatment Programs Can Reduce Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits and Foster Care Placements

Lindsey Rose Bullinger Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Lindsey Rose Bullinger Skills & Research Interests

child and family policy

health policy

Top articles of Lindsey Rose Bullinger

Infant safe havens

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

The impact of state Medicaid eligibility and benefits policy on neonatal abstinence syndrome hospitalizations

Contemporary Economic Policy


Effects of Universal and Unconditional Cash Transfers on Child Abuse and Neglect


One Way to Help Prevent Child Abuse? Give Parents Cash.


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Association of expanded child tax credit payments with child abuse and neglect emergency department visits

JAMA network open


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Home, but left alone: time at home and child abuse and neglect during COVID-19

Journal of family issues


Paid Family Leave: An Upstream Intervention to Prevent Family Violence


Opioid Treatment Programs Can Reduce Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits and Foster Care Placements


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Vivian Wang
Vivian Wang

H-Index: 4

Kenneth A Feder
Kenneth A Feder

H-Index: 12

Impacts of publicly funded health insurance for adults on children's academic achievement

Southern Economic Journal


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Caitlin Mcpherran Lombardi
Caitlin Mcpherran Lombardi

H-Index: 14

Challenges, Opportunities, and Family Engagement in Virtual Home Visiting Service Delivery: Lessons from SafeCare during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Better late than never: Effects of late ACA Medicaid expansions for parents on family health-related financial well-being

INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing


Caitlin Mcpherran Lombardi
Caitlin Mcpherran Lombardi

H-Index: 14

Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Effects of opioid treatment programs on child well-being

The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Vivian Wang
Vivian Wang

H-Index: 4

Kenneth A Feder
Kenneth A Feder

H-Index: 12

The power of the future: Intergenerational income mobility and child maltreatment in the United States

Child abuse & neglect


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

William Schneider
William Schneider

H-Index: 10

The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of an evidence-based child maltreatment prevention program: Understanding the perspectives of SafeCare® providers

Journal of Family Violence


Evictions and Neighborhood Child Maltreatment Reports

Housing Policy Debate


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Kelley Fong
Kelley Fong

H-Index: 9

Evaluating child maltreatment and family violence risk during the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Using a telehealth home visiting program as a conduit to families

Infant mental health journal


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Effects of parental public health insurance eligibility on parent and child health outcomes

Economics & Human Biology


Caitlin Mcpherran Lombardi
Caitlin Mcpherran Lombardi

H-Index: 14

Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

How does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment and parenting behaviors? An analysis of the mechanisms

Review of Economics of the Household


William Schneider
William Schneider

H-Index: 10

Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

Pediatric emergency department visits due to child abuse and neglect following COVID-19 public health emergency declaration in the Southeastern United States

BMC pediatrics


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

The neglected ones: Time at home during COVID-19 and child maltreatment

Children and youth services review


Lindsey Rose Bullinger
Lindsey Rose Bullinger

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Lindsey Rose Bullinger University(Georgia Institute of Technology)

