Linda Hirons

Linda Hirons

University of Reading

H-index: 11

Europe-United Kingdom

About Linda Hirons

Linda Hirons, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Reading, specializes in the field of Tropical Meteorology, Climate Services, Madden-Julian Oscillation, African climate variability, monsoon systems.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Skill assessment and sources of predictability for the leading modes of sub-seasonal Eastern Africa short rains variability

The potential value of seasonal drought forecasts in the context of climate change: A case study of the African elephant conservation sector

Celebrating 10 Years of the Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project and Looking to the Future

Strengthening weather forecast and dissemination capabilities in Central Africa: Case assessment of intense flooding in January 2020

Using a co-production approach to support effective application of S2S forecasts in Africa

Indian Ocean mean state biases and IOD behaviour in CMIP6 multimodel ensemble

Experiences of co‐producing sub‐seasonal forecast products for agricultural application in Kenya and Ghana

Importance of Madden–Julian oscillation phase to the interannual variability of East African rainfall

Linda Hirons Information



NCAS Climate



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Linda Hirons Skills & Research Interests

Tropical Meteorology

Climate Services

Madden-Julian Oscillation

African climate variability

monsoon systems

Top articles of Linda Hirons

Skill assessment and sources of predictability for the leading modes of sub-seasonal Eastern Africa short rains variability

Climate Dynamics


The potential value of seasonal drought forecasts in the context of climate change: A case study of the African elephant conservation sector

Meteorological Applications


Emily Black
Emily Black

H-Index: 26

Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Celebrating 10 Years of the Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project and Looking to the Future

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


Strengthening weather forecast and dissemination capabilities in Central Africa: Case assessment of intense flooding in January 2020

Climate Services


Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Using a co-production approach to support effective application of S2S forecasts in Africa

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Indian Ocean mean state biases and IOD behaviour in CMIP6 multimodel ensemble

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Andy Turner
Andy Turner

H-Index: 7

Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Experiences of co‐producing sub‐seasonal forecast products for agricultural application in Kenya and Ghana



Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Patricia Nying'Uro
Patricia Nying'Uro

H-Index: 0

Importance of Madden–Julian oscillation phase to the interannual variability of East African rainfall

Atmospheric Science Letters


Strengthening weather forecast dissemination capabilities in Central Africa: case assessment of intense flooding in January 2020

Climate Services


Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Improved sub-seasonal forecasts to support preparedness action for meningitis outbreak in Africa

Climate Services


Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

July–September rainfall in the Greater Horn of Africa: the combined influence of the Mascarene and South Atlantic highs

Climate Dynamics


Ellen Dyer
Ellen Dyer

H-Index: 6

Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Atmospheric and oceanic conditions associated with early and late onset for Eastern Africa short rains

Journal of Climate


Application of real time S2S forecasts over Eastern Africa in the co-production of climate services

Climate Services


Masilin Gudoshava
Masilin Gudoshava

H-Index: 3

Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Institutionalising co-production of weather and climate services: Learning from the African SWIFT and ForPAc projects


Using co-production to improve the appropriate use of sub-seasonal forecasts in Africa

Climate Services


Evaluation of the skill of monthly precipitation forecasts from global prediction systems over the greater horn of Africa

Weather and Forecasting


Linda Hirons
Linda Hirons

H-Index: 7

Masilin Gudoshava
Masilin Gudoshava

H-Index: 3

GCRF African SWIFT White Paper Policy Brief: The future of African weather forecasting


Understanding the role of user needs and perceptions related to sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasts on farmers' decisions in Kenya: a systematic review


Potential predictability of the Ethiopian summer rains: understanding local variations and their implications for water management decisions

Science of the Total Environment


Subseasonal precipitation prediction for Africa: Forecast evaluation and sources of predictability

Weather and Forecasting


See List of Professors in Linda Hirons University(University of Reading)