Leiv Arne Rosseland

About Leiv Arne Rosseland

Leiv Arne Rosseland, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Oslo, specializes in the field of Anestesiology, pain, obstetric anesthesia, traumatology, intensive care.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Response to: reply to: regional anaesthesia in patients on antithrombotic drugs

Identifying excessive chronic alcohol use with phosphatidylethanol in patients with suspected severe injury-results from the IDART study

Cardiac effects of oxytocin 2.5 U or carbetocin 100 µg after caesarean delivery: study protocol for a prospective randomized controlled multi-centre trial

Peritraumatic patterns of opioid use among trauma patients: A national retrospective cohort study

A qualitative longitudinal study of traumatic orthopaedic injury survivors’ experiences with pain and the long-term recovery trajectory

Implementing screening for myocardial injury in non-cardiac surgery: perspectives of an ad-hoc interdisciplinary expert group

Prevalence of use and impairment from drugs and alcohol among trauma patients: A national prospective observational study

Exploring Cardiac Effects After Oxytocin 2.5 I U or Carbetocin 100 μg: A Randomised Controlled Trial in Women Undergoing Planned Caesarean Delivery

Leiv Arne Rosseland Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Leiv Arne Rosseland Skills & Research Interests



obstetric anesthesia


intensive care

Top articles of Leiv Arne Rosseland

Response to: reply to: regional anaesthesia in patients on antithrombotic drugs

European Journal of Anaesthesiology| EJA


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Identifying excessive chronic alcohol use with phosphatidylethanol in patients with suspected severe injury-results from the IDART study

Alcohol and Alcoholism


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Cardiac effects of oxytocin 2.5 U or carbetocin 100 µg after caesarean delivery: study protocol for a prospective randomized controlled multi-centre trial


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Peritraumatic patterns of opioid use among trauma patients: A national retrospective cohort study


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Jon Michael Gran
Jon Michael Gran

H-Index: 14

A qualitative longitudinal study of traumatic orthopaedic injury survivors’ experiences with pain and the long-term recovery trajectory

BMJ open


Thomas Clausen
Thomas Clausen

H-Index: 13

Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Implementing screening for myocardial injury in non-cardiac surgery: perspectives of an ad-hoc interdisciplinary expert group

Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal


Dan Atar
Dan Atar

H-Index: 54

Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Rune Wiseth
Rune Wiseth

H-Index: 19

Prevalence of use and impairment from drugs and alcohol among trauma patients: A national prospective observational study



Hallvard Gjerde
Hallvard Gjerde

H-Index: 24

Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Exploring Cardiac Effects After Oxytocin 2.5 I U or Carbetocin 100 μg: A Randomised Controlled Trial in Women Undergoing Planned Caesarean Delivery

Obstetric Anesthesia Digest


Haemodynamic effects of methoxyflurane versus fentanyl and placebo in hypovolaemia: a randomised, double-blind crossover study in healthy volunteers

BJA open


Lars Øivind Høiseth
Lars Øivind Høiseth

H-Index: 9

Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Non-invasive waveform analysis for emergency triage via simulated hemorrhage: An experimental study using novel dynamic lower body negative pressure model

Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering


Reply to: exploring cardiac effects after oxytocin 2.5 IU or carbetocin 100 μg–a randomised controlled trial in women undergoing planned caesarean delivery

European Journal of Anaesthesiology| EJA


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Long-term changes of health-related quality of life in patients with peripheral vascular malformations–a prospective observational study

Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Stress reactions and health problems in hospital personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic-A longitudinal, multicenter study

Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica


Exploring cardiac effects after oxytocin 2.5 IU or carbetocin 100 μg: a randomised controlled trial in women undergoing planned caesarean delivery

European Journal of Anaesthesiology| EJA


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Study protocol for the BUSCopan in LABor (BUSCLAB) study: A randomized placebo-controlled trial investigating the effect of butylscopolamine bromide to prevent prolonged labor

Plos one


Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

Meditative-based diaphragmatic breathing vs. vagus nerve stimulation in the treatment of fibromyalgia—A randomized controlled trial: Body vs. machine

Frontiers in Neurology


Patient experiences after physical trauma: the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on recovery

International journal of environmental research and public health


Thomas Clausen
Thomas Clausen

H-Index: 13

Leiv Arne Rosseland
Leiv Arne Rosseland

H-Index: 20

The association between age at menarche and chronic pain outcomes in women: the Tromsø Study, 2007 to 2016



Reduced heart rate variability is related to the number of metabolic syndrome components and manifest diabetes in the sixth Tromsø study 2007–2008

Scientific Reports


Injuries after violence and accidents–the forgotten pandemic?

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening


See List of Professors in Leiv Arne Rosseland University(Universitetet i Oslo)

