Lasse Tarvainen

About Lasse Tarvainen

Lasse Tarvainen, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Göteborgs universitet,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Surface paving more important than species in determining the physiology, growth and cooling effects of urban trees

Components explain, but do eddy fluxes constrain? Carbon budget of a nitrogen‐fertilized boreal Scots pine forest

Among-species variation in sap pH affects the xylem CO2 transport potential in trees.

Trait-based, spatial, and temporal variation in leaf temperature of tropical trees.

Warming responses of tropical trees and forest stands explored in an elevation gradient experiment

Photosynthetic thermal acclimation capacity of tropical montane rainforest trees in Rwanda and in the Colombian Andes

Differences in accumulation of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) among eleven broadleaved and conifer tree species

Elevated ozone decreases the activity of Rubisco in poplar but not its activation under fluctuating light

Lasse Tarvainen Information



Dept. Biological and Environmental Sciences Sweden



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Lasse Tarvainen

Surface paving more important than species in determining the physiology, growth and cooling effects of urban trees

Landscape and Urban Planning


Janina Konarska
Janina Konarska

H-Index: 7

Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Components explain, but do eddy fluxes constrain? Carbon budget of a nitrogen‐fertilized boreal Scots pine forest

New Phytologist


Among-species variation in sap pH affects the xylem CO2 transport potential in trees.


Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Trait-based, spatial, and temporal variation in leaf temperature of tropical trees.

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Warming responses of tropical trees and forest stands explored in an elevation gradient experiment

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Photosynthetic thermal acclimation capacity of tropical montane rainforest trees in Rwanda and in the Colombian Andes

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Differences in accumulation of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) among eleven broadleaved and conifer tree species

Ecological Indicators


Elevated ozone decreases the activity of Rubisco in poplar but not its activation under fluctuating light

Tree Physiology


Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Temperature acclimation of net photosynthesis and its underlying component processes in four tropical tree species

Tree Physiology


Limits to photosynthesis: seasonal shifts in supply and demand for CO2 in Scots pine

New Phytologist


Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Göran Wallin
Göran Wallin

H-Index: 21

Handling the heat–photosynthetic thermal stress in tropical trees

New Phytologist


A carbon-budget approach shows that reduced decomposition causes the nitrogen-induced increase in soil carbon in a boreal forest

Forest Ecology and Management


The mycorrhizal tragedy of the commons

Ecology Letters


Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

John Marshall
John Marshall

H-Index: 3

Reduced photosynthetic thermal acclimation capacity under elevated ozone in poplar (Populus tremula) saplings

Global Change Biology


Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Roles of photosynthetic, respiratory, stomatal and phenological acclimation in controlling carbon and water fluxes of mature Norway spruce in a changing climate

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Linking canopy‐scale mesophyll conductance and phloem sugar δ13C using empirical and modelling approaches

New Phytologist


Stomatal response drives between-species difference in predicted leaf water-use efficiency under elevated ozone

Environmental Pollution


Bo Shang
Bo Shang

H-Index: 4

Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Limited vertical CO2 transport in stems of mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees

Tree Physiology


Seasonal analysis of photosynthetic limitations in mature Scots pine trees reveals that models based on intracellular CO2 concentration grossly underestimate photosynthetic …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

Göran Wallin
Göran Wallin

H-Index: 21

Limited water availability did not protect poplar saplings from water use efficiency reduction under elevated ozone

Forest Ecology and Management


Bo Shang
Bo Shang

H-Index: 4

Lasse Tarvainen
Lasse Tarvainen

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Lasse Tarvainen University(Göteborgs universitet)