Lars Stoumann Jensen

About Lars Stoumann Jensen

Lars Stoumann Jensen, With an exceptional h-index of 66 and a recent h-index of 44 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Københavns Universitet, specializes in the field of soils, fertilizers, nutrient cycling, organic waste, environmental impacts.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Methane uptake rates across different soil types and agricultural management practices in Denmark

Effects of biobased fertilisers on soil physical, chemical and biological indicators–a one-year incubation study

Regionalised modelling of recycled fertiliser P in agricultural fields: Development of the life cycle inventory model PLCI 2.0

Differential impacts of sewage sludge and biochar on phosphorus-related processes: An imaging study of the rhizosphere

Increasing phosphorus plant availability from P-rich ashes and biochars by acidification with sulfuric acid

Higher N2O emissions from organic compared to synthetic N fertilisers on sandy soils in a cool temperate climate

Cover crop root morphology rather than quality controls the fate of root and rhizodeposition C into distinct soil C pools

Constructed wetlands and duckweed ponds as a treatment step in liquid manure handling—A life cycle assessment

Lars Stoumann Jensen Information



Professor of Soil Fertility and Waste Resource Recycling



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Lars Stoumann Jensen Skills & Research Interests



nutrient cycling

organic waste

environmental impacts

Top articles of Lars Stoumann Jensen

Methane uptake rates across different soil types and agricultural management practices in Denmark

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Azeem Tariq
Azeem Tariq

H-Index: 7

Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Sander Bruun
Sander Bruun

H-Index: 31

Effects of biobased fertilisers on soil physical, chemical and biological indicators–a one-year incubation study

Soil Research


Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Regionalised modelling of recycled fertiliser P in agricultural fields: Development of the life cycle inventory model PLCI 2.0

Journal of Cleaner Production


Differential impacts of sewage sludge and biochar on phosphorus-related processes: An imaging study of the rhizosphere

Science of the Total Environment


Increasing phosphorus plant availability from P-rich ashes and biochars by acidification with sulfuric acid

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering


Higher N2O emissions from organic compared to synthetic N fertilisers on sandy soils in a cool temperate climate

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Cover crop root morphology rather than quality controls the fate of root and rhizodeposition C into distinct soil C pools

Global change biology


Constructed wetlands and duckweed ponds as a treatment step in liquid manure handling—A life cycle assessment

Science of the Total Environment


Erik Meers
Erik Meers

H-Index: 38

Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Sander Bruun
Sander Bruun

H-Index: 31

Nitrogen fertiliser value of bioacidified slurry

Waste Management


Legume-based cover crop mixtures can overcome trade-offs between C inputs, soil mineral N depletion and residual yield effects

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Nitrogen, potassium and sulphur availability from residue-based fertilisers produced in Denmark applied singly or combined

Geoderma Regional


Udviklingsmuligheder og barrierer for næringsstofforsyningen i økologisk jordbrug-sammenfatning


Jørgen Eriksen
Jørgen Eriksen

H-Index: 30

Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Næringsstofforsyning og-recirkulering i økologisk jordbrug–udviklingsmuligheder og barrierer for vækst


Jørgen Eriksen
Jørgen Eriksen

H-Index: 30

Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Effect of soil fertility level on growth of cover crop mixtures and residual fertilizing value for spring barley

European Journal of Agronomy


Kristian Thorup-Kristensen
Kristian Thorup-Kristensen

H-Index: 28

Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Potential ammonia volatilization from 39 different novel biobased fertilizers on the European market–a laboratory study using 5 European soils

Journal of Environmental Management


Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Effect of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) on nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural fields: Automated and manual measurements

Science of the Total Environment


Adequacy of nitrogen-based indicators for assessment of cropping system performance: A modelling study of Danish scenarios

Science of The Total Environment


Conservation agriculture affects soil organic matter distribution, microbial metabolic capacity and nitrogen turnover under Danish field conditions

Soil and Tillage Research


Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Kristian Thorup-Kristensen
Kristian Thorup-Kristensen

H-Index: 28

Effect of natural and regulatory conditions on the environmental impacts of pig slurry acidification across different regions in Europe: A life cycle assessment

Journal of Cleaner Production


Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

Sander Bruun
Sander Bruun

H-Index: 31

Nutrient interactions and salinity effects on plant uptake of phosphorus from waste-based fertilisers



Dorette Müller-Stöver
Dorette Müller-Stöver

H-Index: 16

Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen

H-Index: 39

See List of Professors in Lars Stoumann Jensen University(Københavns Universitet)