kristen hollands

kristen hollands

University of Salford

H-index: 22

Europe-United Kingdom

About kristen hollands

kristen hollands, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Salford, specializes in the field of rehabilitation, walking, motor control.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Standardized measurement of balance and mobility post-stroke: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable

Role of sex and stature on the biomechanics of normal and loaded walking: implications for injury risk in the military

Postural control during quiet standing and voluntary stepping response tasks in individuals post-stroke: a case-control study

The effect of sex, stature, and limb length on the preferred walk-to-run transition speed

Stroke survivors’ perceptions of participating in a high repetition arm training trial early after stroke

Immediate effect of voluntary-induced stepping response training on protective stepping in persons with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial

The strength of the corticospinal tract not the reticulospinal tract determines upper-limb impairment level and capacity for skill-acquisition in the sub-acute post-stroke period

Comfortably numb? Experiences of people with stroke and lower limb sensation deficits: impact and solutions

kristen hollands Information



Senior Research Fellow School of Health Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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kristen hollands Skills & Research Interests



motor control

Top articles of kristen hollands

Standardized measurement of balance and mobility post-stroke: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable


Role of sex and stature on the biomechanics of normal and loaded walking: implications for injury risk in the military


Postural control during quiet standing and voluntary stepping response tasks in individuals post-stroke: a case-control study

Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation


Gabriel Moisan
Gabriel Moisan

H-Index: 5

Kristen Hollands
Kristen Hollands

H-Index: 15

The effect of sex, stature, and limb length on the preferred walk-to-run transition speed

Gait & Posture


Niamh Gill
Niamh Gill

H-Index: 3

Kristen Hollands
Kristen Hollands

H-Index: 15

Stroke survivors’ perceptions of participating in a high repetition arm training trial early after stroke

Disability and Rehabilitation


Immediate effect of voluntary-induced stepping response training on protective stepping in persons with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial

Disability and Rehabilitation


Kristen Hollands
Kristen Hollands

H-Index: 15

Mark Hollands
Mark Hollands

H-Index: 20

The strength of the corticospinal tract not the reticulospinal tract determines upper-limb impairment level and capacity for skill-acquisition in the sub-acute post-stroke period

Neurorehabilitation and neural repair


Comfortably numb? Experiences of people with stroke and lower limb sensation deficits: impact and solutions

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology


Kristen Hollands
Kristen Hollands

H-Index: 15

Tracey Williamson
Tracey Williamson

H-Index: 9

Characteristics of voluntary-induced stepping response in persons with stroke compared with those of healthy young and older adults

Gait & Posture


Kristen Hollands
Kristen Hollands

H-Index: 15

Mark Hollands
Mark Hollands

H-Index: 20

Evaluation of the effects of prescribing gait complexity using several fluctuating timing imperatives

Journal of Motor Behavior


Foot-placement accuracy during planned and reactive target stepping during walking in stroke survivors and healthy adults

Gait & Posture


Effectiveness of exercise-based rehabilitation for the treatment of axial rigidity in people with Parkinson’s disease: A Scoping Review


SPARC metrics provide mobility smoothness assessment in oldest-old with and without a history of falls: a case control study

Frontiers in physiology


Rafael Reimann Baptista
Rafael Reimann Baptista

H-Index: 10

Kristen Hollands
Kristen Hollands

H-Index: 15

How accuracy of foot-placement is affected by the size of the base of support and crutch support in stroke survivors and healthy adults

Gait & Posture


See List of Professors in kristen hollands University(University of Salford)