Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

About Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli, With an exceptional h-index of 25 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Illinois at Chicago, specializes in the field of Ischemic stroke, Spinal cord injury.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The paradox of tPA in ischemic stroke: tPA knockdown following recanalization improves functional and histological outcomes

Reviews in: stroke

Implications of MMP-12 in the pathophysiology of ischaemic stroke

The Impact of Social Isolation and Environmental Deprivation on Blood Pressure and Depression-Like Behavior in Young Male and Female Mice

The interplay between MMP-12 and t-PA in the brain after ischemic stroke

MMP-12 knockdown prevents secondary brain damage after ischemic stroke in mice

Therapeutic efficacy of matrix metalloproteinase-12 suppression on neurological recovery after ischemic stroke: optimal treatment timing and duration

Stem cell treatment improves post stroke neurological outcomes: a comparative study in male and female rats

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Krishna Kumar Veeravalli Skills & Research Interests

Ischemic stroke

Spinal cord injury

Top articles of Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

The paradox of tPA in ischemic stroke: tPA knockdown following recanalization improves functional and histological outcomes

Experimental neurology


Siva Reddy Challa
Siva Reddy Challa

H-Index: 11

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

Reviews in: stroke

Frontiers in Neurology


Eduardo Candelario-Jalil
Eduardo Candelario-Jalil

H-Index: 28

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

Jun Yao
Jun Yao

H-Index: 8

Implications of MMP-12 in the pathophysiology of ischaemic stroke


Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

The Impact of Social Isolation and Environmental Deprivation on Blood Pressure and Depression-Like Behavior in Young Male and Female Mice

Chronic Stress


The interplay between MMP-12 and t-PA in the brain after ischemic stroke

Neurochemistry international


Siva Reddy Challa
Siva Reddy Challa

H-Index: 11

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

MMP-12 knockdown prevents secondary brain damage after ischemic stroke in mice

Neurochemistry international


Anil K Chokkalla
Anil K Chokkalla

H-Index: 4

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

Raghu Vemuganti
Raghu Vemuganti

H-Index: 38

Therapeutic efficacy of matrix metalloproteinase-12 suppression on neurological recovery after ischemic stroke: optimal treatment timing and duration

Frontiers in Neuroscience


Siva Reddy Challa
Siva Reddy Challa

H-Index: 11

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

Stem cell treatment improves post stroke neurological outcomes: a comparative study in male and female rats

Stroke & Vascular Neurology


Attenuation of the induction of TLRs 2 and 4 mitigates inflammation and promotes neurological recovery after focal cerebral ischemia

Translational Stroke Research


Siva Reddy Challa
Siva Reddy Challa

H-Index: 11

Krishna Kumar Veeravalli
Krishna Kumar Veeravalli

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Krishna Kumar Veeravalli University(University of Illinois at Chicago)