Kris Ruijgrok

About Kris Ruijgrok

Kris Ruijgrok, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit van Amsterdam, specializes in the field of Political Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Autocracy's long reach: explaining host country influences on transnational repression

Digital Authoritarianism

The authoritarian practice of issuing internet shutdowns in India: The Bharatiya Janata Party’s direct and indirect responsibility

Autocracy & Resistance in the Internet Age: by Rachel Vanderhill, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2020, vii+ 258 pp., bibliography, index, $89, 95 (hardcover), ISBN …

Illusion of control: how internet use generates anti-regime sentiment in authoritarian regimes

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and Other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity

The internet and political protest in autocracies: by Nils B. Weidmann and Espen Geelmuyden Rød, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019, x+ 156 pp., appendix, notes …

Step 3: Internet Use and Being Motivated to Join an Anti-Government Protest

Kris Ruijgrok Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Kris Ruijgrok Skills & Research Interests

Political Science

Top articles of Kris Ruijgrok

Autocracy's long reach: explaining host country influences on transnational repression



Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Digital Authoritarianism


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

The authoritarian practice of issuing internet shutdowns in India: The Bharatiya Janata Party’s direct and indirect responsibility



Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Autocracy & Resistance in the Internet Age: by Rachel Vanderhill, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2020, vii+ 258 pp., bibliography, index, $89, 95 (hardcover), ISBN …


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Illusion of control: how internet use generates anti-regime sentiment in authoritarian regimes

Contemporary Politics


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and Other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

The internet and political protest in autocracies: by Nils B. Weidmann and Espen Geelmuyden Rød, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019, x+ 156 pp., appendix, notes …


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Step 3: Internet Use and Being Motivated to Join an Anti-Government Protest

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Scaling Up the Malaysian Findings

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

The Direct Effect of Internet Use on Anti-Government Protest

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Conclusions and Reflections

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Step 2: Internet Use and the Informing of Protest Sympathizers

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

The Mobilization Chain Under Authoritarian Rule

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Step 1: Internet Use and Sympathizing with an Anti-Government Protest Movement

Internet Use and Protest in Malaysia and other Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging Information Scarcity


Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

Kris Ruijgrok
Kris Ruijgrok

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Kris Ruijgrok University(Universiteit van Amsterdam)