Kolbjørn Lindberg

About Kolbjørn Lindberg

Kolbjørn Lindberg, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Agder,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Associations between Power Training-Induced Changes in Body Composition and Physical Function in Older Men: A Pre-Test–Post-Test Experimental Study

The force–velocity profile for jumping: what it is and what it is not

In-season autoregulation of one weekly strength training session maintains physical and external load match performance in professional male football players

The effects of being told you are in the intervention group on training results: a pilot study

Force velocity profiling for athletes

Association between physical performance tests and external load during scrimmages in highly trained youth ice hockey players

Strength and power testing of athletes: Associations of common assessments over time

Strength and power testing of athletes: A multicenter study of test–retest reliability

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Top articles of Kolbjørn Lindberg

Associations between Power Training-Induced Changes in Body Composition and Physical Function in Older Men: A Pre-Test–Post-Test Experimental Study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


The force–velocity profile for jumping: what it is and what it is not

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise


Kolbjørn Lindberg
Kolbjørn Lindberg

H-Index: 1

Thomas Bjørnsen
Thomas Bjørnsen

H-Index: 8

In-season autoregulation of one weekly strength training session maintains physical and external load match performance in professional male football players

Journal of Sports Sciences


The effects of being told you are in the intervention group on training results: a pilot study

Scientific Reports


Kolbjørn Lindberg
Kolbjørn Lindberg

H-Index: 1

Thomas Bjørnsen
Thomas Bjørnsen

H-Index: 8

Force velocity profiling for athletes

Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder


Association between physical performance tests and external load during scrimmages in highly trained youth ice hockey players

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


Strength and power testing of athletes: Associations of common assessments over time

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


Kolbjørn Lindberg
Kolbjørn Lindberg

H-Index: 1

Thomas Bjørnsen
Thomas Bjørnsen

H-Index: 8

Strength and power testing of athletes: A multicenter study of test–retest reliability

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


Kolbjørn Lindberg
Kolbjørn Lindberg

H-Index: 1

Thomas Bjørnsen
Thomas Bjørnsen

H-Index: 8

Effectiveness of individualized training based on force–velocity profiling on physical function in older men

Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports


Should we individualize training based on force‐velocity profiling to improve physical performance in athletes?

Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports


Validity of force–velocity profiling assessed with a pneumatic leg press device

International journal of sports physiology and performance


Kolbjørn Lindberg
Kolbjørn Lindberg

H-Index: 1

Thomas Bjørnsen
Thomas Bjørnsen

H-Index: 8

Force-velocity profiling in athletes: Reliability and agreement across methods

PLoS One


Kolbjørn Lindberg
Kolbjørn Lindberg

H-Index: 1

Thomas Bjørnsen
Thomas Bjørnsen

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Kolbjørn Lindberg University(Universitetet i Agder)