Kija LEE

About Kija LEE

Kija LEE, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kyungpook National University, specializes in the field of 수의영상의학.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Non‐brachycephalic dogs with stertor have higher nasopharyngeal collapsibility compared with dogs without stertor and foramen lacerum level is ideal for evaluating …

Deep learning‐based reconstruction can improve canine thoracolumbar magnetic resonance image quality and reduce slice thickness

Deep learning‐based reconstruction for canine brain magnetic resonance imaging could improve image quality while reducing scan time

Increased radiographic opacity in the region of the gallbladder can be identified in dogs with large amounts of gallbladder sediment, sludge balls, and gallbladder mucocele

Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the oral cavity metastasising to both kidneys in a dog

Echocardiographic diagnosis of aorto-left ventricular tunnel with supravalvular pulmonic stenosis in a Shih-tzu dog

Diagnostic imaging findings of subcutaneous mast cell tumor in a dog

Nasopharyngeal luminal change on cervical radiography in brachycephalic dogs without respiratory signs

Kija LEE Information



College of Veterinary Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Kija LEE Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Kija LEE

Non‐brachycephalic dogs with stertor have higher nasopharyngeal collapsibility compared with dogs without stertor and foramen lacerum level is ideal for evaluating …

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound


Hojung Choi
Hojung Choi

H-Index: 2

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Deep learning‐based reconstruction can improve canine thoracolumbar magnetic resonance image quality and reduce slice thickness

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound


Sooyoung Choi
Sooyoung Choi

H-Index: 10

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Deep learning‐based reconstruction for canine brain magnetic resonance imaging could improve image quality while reducing scan time

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound


Hojung Choi
Hojung Choi

H-Index: 2

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Increased radiographic opacity in the region of the gallbladder can be identified in dogs with large amounts of gallbladder sediment, sludge balls, and gallbladder mucocele

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound


Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the oral cavity metastasising to both kidneys in a dog

Veterinary Medicine and Science


Kyung Ho Park
Kyung Ho Park

H-Index: 2

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Echocardiographic diagnosis of aorto-left ventricular tunnel with supravalvular pulmonic stenosis in a Shih-tzu dog

Open Veterinary Journal


Diagnostic imaging findings of subcutaneous mast cell tumor in a dog

Korean Journal of Veterinary Research


Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Nasopharyngeal luminal change on cervical radiography in brachycephalic dogs without respiratory signs

Journal of Veterinary Medical Science


Sooyoung Choi
Sooyoung Choi

H-Index: 10

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Management of Postoperative Intra-Abdominal Hypertension in a Dog Undergoing Cervical Disc Surgery

Journal of veterinary clinics


Nasopharyngeal collapse can be identified on radiography in healthy male Beagle dogs without cardiopulmonary diseases

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound


Hojung Choi
Hojung Choi

H-Index: 2

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Comparative antiplatelet and antithrombotic effects of red ginseng and fermented red ginseng extracts

Journal of Ginseng Research


Cutaneous metastasis of mammary gland tumor in a dog: a case report

Korean Journal of Veterinary Research


Taeho Oh
Taeho Oh

H-Index: 8

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Trifolium pratense ethanolic extract alters the gut microbiota composition and regulates serum lipid profile in the ovariectomized rats

BMC complementary medicine and therapies


Assessment of abdominal fat distribution by computed tomography in obese dogs

The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Computed tomographic findings of primary renal tumors in dogs and cats

The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Tentative diagnosis and monitoring using ultrasound in a cat with pansteatitis: a case report

Korean Journal of Veterinary Research


Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Effect of photodynamic therapy with chlorin e6 on canine tumors



The breed-specific vertebral heart score and vertebral left atrial size in toy breed dogs.

Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


Hojung Choi
Hojung Choi

H-Index: 2

Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

Feline Demographics and Disease Distribution in the Republic of Korea

Journal of veterinary clinics


Imaging diagnosis of paranasal sinus mucocele in a Yorkshire Terrier dog.

Veterinární medicína


Kija Lee
Kija Lee

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Kija LEE University(Kyungpook National University)