Kevin Carter-Fenk

About Kevin Carter-Fenk

Kevin Carter-Fenk, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, Berkeley, specializes in the field of quantum chemistry, excited states.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prize Talk: Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award Finalists: Developing a Quantum Chemical Toolbox for Accurate Modeling of K-edges and Beyond

Photodissociation of Fe(CO)5: Insights from femtosecond core-level spectroscopy and theory

Optimizing the regularization in size-consistent second-order Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory

The Energetic Origins of Pi-Pi Contacts in Proteins.

The Energetic Origins of Pi–Pi Contacts in Proteins

Theoretical and Microwave Spectroscopic Characterization of Cyclobutenone: Planar or Puckered?

Repartitioned Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory with a size-consistent second-order correlation energy

Appraisal of dispersion damping functions for the effective fragment potential method

Kevin Carter-Fenk Information



Postdoctoral Scholar



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Kevin Carter-Fenk Skills & Research Interests

quantum chemistry

excited states

Top articles of Kevin Carter-Fenk

Prize Talk: Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award Finalists: Developing a Quantum Chemical Toolbox for Accurate Modeling of K-edges and Beyond

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Photodissociation of Fe(CO)5: Insights from femtosecond core-level spectroscopy and theory

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Optimizing the regularization in size-consistent second-order Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory

The Journal of chemical physics


The Energetic Origins of Pi-Pi Contacts in Proteins.

Journal of the American Chemical Society


The Energetic Origins of Pi–Pi Contacts in Proteins

Journal of the American Chemical Society


Theoretical and Microwave Spectroscopic Characterization of Cyclobutenone: Planar or Puckered?

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Repartitioned Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory with a size-consistent second-order correlation energy

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Appraisal of dispersion damping functions for the effective fragment potential method

Molecular Physics


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Excited-State Dynamics during Primary C–I Homolysis in Acetyl Iodide Revealed by Ultrafast Core-Level Spectroscopy

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

A Tensor Formulation of Second-Order Brillouin-Wigner Perturbation Theory with a Size-Consistent Correlation Energy

arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.06271


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Birth of the hydrated electron via charge-transfer-to-solvent excitation of aqueous iodide

The journal of physical chemistry letters


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Supporting Information for:“Birth of the Hydrated Electron via Charge-Transfer-to-Solvent Excitation of Aqueous Iodide”


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Femtosecond core-level spectroscopy reveals signatures of transient excited states in the photodissociation of Fe (CO) 5


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Electron-affinity time-dependent density functional theory: Formalism and applications to core-excited states

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Ultrafast dynamics of two-and three-body dissociation captured by core-to-valence transient absorption spectroscopy.


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Computing x-ray absorption spectra from linear-response particles atop optimized holes

The Journal of chemical physics


Supporting Information for:“Appraisal of dispersion damping functions for the effective fragment potential method”


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

On the choice of reference orbitals for linear-response calculations of solution-phase K-edge X-ray absorption spectra

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Martin Head-Gordon
Martin Head-Gordon

H-Index: 72

Predicting and understanding non-covalent interactions using novel forms of symmetry-adapted perturbation theory


Kevin Carter-Fenk
Kevin Carter-Fenk

H-Index: 8

Ka Un Lao
Ka Un Lao

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Kevin Carter-Fenk University(University of California, Berkeley)