Kerry Gallagher

About Kerry Gallagher

Kerry Gallagher, With an exceptional h-index of 63 and a recent h-index of 35 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Rennes 1,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Incorporating RSCM temperature data into inverse thermal models of low-temperature thermochronometric data

The McClure Mountain Syenite Apatite as a Potential Age Control Reference Material for LA‐ICP‐MS AFT and U‐Pb Double Dating

a new analytical protocol for apatite (U-Th)/He and trace element analysis (incorporating a continuous ramped heating measurement system for the He)

Erosion et transport sédimentaire à l'échelle d'une vallée glaciaire: apports de la thermochronologie détritique et de la modélisation numérique

Global Variability in Multi‐Century Ground Warming Inferred From Geothermal Data

Trans-Dimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Applied to Geochronology and Thermochronology

A new calibration of radiation damage control on He diffusivity in apatite: implications for (U-Th)/He thermochronology

Using detrital thermochronology on moraine deposits to infer glacial erosion patterns and rock thermal history: insights from the Arve and Maurienne valleys (Western European Alps)

Kerry Gallagher Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Kerry Gallagher

Incorporating RSCM temperature data into inverse thermal models of low-temperature thermochronometric data


Nathan Niemi
Nathan Niemi

H-Index: 19

Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

The McClure Mountain Syenite Apatite as a Potential Age Control Reference Material for LA‐ICP‐MS AFT and U‐Pb Double Dating

Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research


Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

a new analytical protocol for apatite (U-Th)/He and trace element analysis (incorporating a continuous ramped heating measurement system for the He)

Geochronology Discussions


Gilles Ruffet
Gilles Ruffet

H-Index: 26

Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Erosion et transport sédimentaire à l'échelle d'une vallée glaciaire: apports de la thermochronologie détritique et de la modélisation numérique


Global Variability in Multi‐Century Ground Warming Inferred From Geothermal Data

Geophysical Research Letters


Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Trans-Dimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Applied to Geochronology and Thermochronology

Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences


Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

A new calibration of radiation damage control on He diffusivity in apatite: implications for (U-Th)/He thermochronology

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Using detrital thermochronology on moraine deposits to infer glacial erosion patterns and rock thermal history: insights from the Arve and Maurienne valleys (Western European Alps)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Storm chasing: Tracking Holocene storminess in southern Sweden using mineral proxies from inland and coastal peat bogs


Building a Young Mountain Range: Insight into the Along-Strike Exhumation History of the Greater Caucasus Mountains from Detrital Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology and 10Be …

Authorea Preprints


Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Constraining the Uplift of the Southeastern Sierra Nevada, CA using Multi-Mineral Detrital Thermochronology from Active Catchments

Authorea Preprints


Kip Hodges
Kip Hodges

H-Index: 36

Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Origin of Great Unconformity Obscured by Thermochronometric Uncertainty

Geochronology Discussions


Past hemispheric temperature variations from a Bayesian hierarchical analysis of the global geothermal dataset

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Peter Hopcroft
Peter Hopcroft

H-Index: 14

Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Building a Young Mountain Range: Insight Into the Growth of the Greater Caucasus Mountains From Detrital Zircon (U‐Th)/He Thermochronology and 10Be …



Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Phanerozoic sedimentary cover history of the Hudson Platform: a heuristic modeling perspective



Kalin T. Mcdannell
Kalin T. Mcdannell

H-Index: 6

Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

Basin Research outstanding reviewers 2020–21

Basin Research


Atle Rotevatn
Atle Rotevatn

H-Index: 29

Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher

H-Index: 36

A heuristic approach for modeling the surface histories of cratons using


Asymmetric exhumation and topographic development of the Santa Marta range, southern Caribbean Plate: Inferences from modeling of bedrock and detrital thermochronometry

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Assessing the Roles of Tectonics and Climate in Building Up and Breaking Down the Greater Caucasus Mountains: A Combined Analysis of Topography, Hydroclimate, Detrital Zircon …

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


See List of Professors in Kerry Gallagher University(Université de Rennes 1)