Kay-Peter Hoyer

About Kay-Peter Hoyer

Kay-Peter Hoyer, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Paderborn, specializes in the field of Material Science, Additive Manufacturing, Alloy Design.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Anisotropic Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of a Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy for Biomedical Applications Manufactured via Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Additive Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Auxetic and Non-Auxetic Ti24Nb4Zr8Sn Biomedical Stents: A Combined Experimental and Computational …

Quasi-In Situ Localized Corrosion of an Additively Manufactured FeCo Alloy in 5 Wt Pct NaCl Solution

Thermomechanical Joining of Hypoeutectic Aluminium Cast Plates

Case Study IV: Individualized Medical Technology using Additive Manufacturing

Powder bed fusion of soft-magnetic iron-based alloys with high silicon content

An Experimental and Computational Modeling Study on Additively Manufactured Micro‐Architectured Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn Hollow‐Strut Lattice Structures

Experimental and finite element method investigation on the compression behaviour of FCCZ and BCC lattice structures of additively manufactured Fe-3Si samples

Kay-Peter Hoyer Information



Chief Engineer



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Kay-Peter Hoyer Skills & Research Interests

Material Science

Additive Manufacturing

Alloy Design

Top articles of Kay-Peter Hoyer

Anisotropic Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of a Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy for Biomedical Applications Manufactured via Laser Powder Bed Fusion



Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Additive Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Auxetic and Non-Auxetic Ti24Nb4Zr8Sn Biomedical Stents: A Combined Experimental and Computational …



Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Quasi-In Situ Localized Corrosion of an Additively Manufactured FeCo Alloy in 5 Wt Pct NaCl Solution

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A


Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Thermomechanical Joining of Hypoeutectic Aluminium Cast Plates

Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Case Study IV: Individualized Medical Technology using Additive Manufacturing

Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency, and Sustainable Engineering: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Design and Manufacturing Technology


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Powder bed fusion of soft-magnetic iron-based alloys with high silicon content

Journal of Materials Processing Technology


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

An Experimental and Computational Modeling Study on Additively Manufactured Micro‐Architectured Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn Hollow‐Strut Lattice Structures

Advanced Engineering Materials


Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Experimental and finite element method investigation on the compression behaviour of FCCZ and BCC lattice structures of additively manufactured Fe-3Si samples

Rapid Prototyping Journal


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Isotropic, Crack-Free Steel Design Using an Additive Manufacturing Method


Modification of Iron with Degradable Silver Phases Processed via Laser Beam Melting for Implants with Adapted Degradation Rate

Advanced Engineering Materials


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Powder Production via Atomisation and Subsequent Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing of Fe+ 316L Steel Hybrid Alloy



Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

On the influence of physical vapor deposited thin coatings on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of additively processed Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy

International Journal of Fatigue


FeMn with Phases of a Degradable Ag Alloy for Residue-Free and Adapted Bioresorbability

Journal of Functional Biomaterials


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Additively manufactured novel Ti6Al7Nb circular honeycomb cellular solid for energy absorbing applications

Materials Science and Engineering: A


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Characterization and Analysis of Plastic Instability in an Ultrafine‐Grained Medium Mn TRIP Steel

Advanced Engineering Materials


Tribo-functional PVD thin films deposited onto additively manufactured Ti6Al7Nb for biomedical applications

Materials Letters


Formation of insoluble silver-phases in an iron-manganese matrix for bioresorbable implants using varying laser beam melting strategies

Journal of Materials Research and Technology


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Influence of proteins on the corrosion of a conventional and selective laser beam melted FeMn alloy in physiological electrolytes

Corrosion Science


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Correlation between pre-and post-treatments of additively manufactured 316L parts and the resulting low cycle fatigue behavior

Rapid Prototyping Journal


Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

Orientation-Dependent Indentation Behaviour of Additively Manufactured FeCo Sample: A Quasi In-Situ Study



Kay-Peter Hoyer
Kay-Peter Hoyer

H-Index: 9

Mirko Schaper
Mirko Schaper

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Kay-Peter Hoyer University(Universität Paderborn)