Katherine A James

Katherine A James

University of Colorado Denver

H-index: 22

North America-United States

About Katherine A James

Katherine A James, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Colorado Denver, specializes in the field of metals environmental epidemiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Associations between metals and metabolomic profiles related to diabetes among adults in a rural region

Urine antimony and risk of cardiovascular disease–A prospective case-cohort study in Danish Non-Smokers

Urine Antimony and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Renal, cardiovascular, and respiratory outcomes associated with climate change

Extreme weather events and mental health in Colorado (2012–2022)

Evaluating drought as a behavioral health stressor

Investigating the relationship between extreme weather and cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in Colorado: a multi-decade study using distributed-lag nonlinear models

Occurrence of occupational injuries and within day changes in wet bulb temperature among sugarcane harvesters

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Citations(since 2020)


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Katherine A James Skills & Research Interests

metals environmental epidemiology

Top articles of Katherine A James

Associations between metals and metabolomic profiles related to diabetes among adults in a rural region

Environmental Research


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Laura Corlin
Laura Corlin

H-Index: 7

Urine antimony and risk of cardiovascular disease–A prospective case-cohort study in Danish Non-Smokers

Environment international


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Urine Antimony and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

ISEE Conference Abstracts


Renal, cardiovascular, and respiratory outcomes associated with climate change

Annals of Epidemiology


Extreme weather events and mental health in Colorado (2012–2022)

Annals of Epidemiology


Evaluating drought as a behavioral health stressor

Annals of Epidemiology


Investigating the relationship between extreme weather and cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in Colorado: a multi-decade study using distributed-lag nonlinear models



Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Occurrence of occupational injuries and within day changes in wet bulb temperature among sugarcane harvesters

Journal of agromedicine


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Open-source environmental data as an alternative to snail surveys to assess schistosomiasis risk in areas approaching elimination

International Journal of Health Geographics


Yang Liu
Yang Liu

H-Index: 18

Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Focus: Climate Change and Environmental Health: Exacerbation of Renal, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Outcomes Associated with Changes in Climate

The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine


Jacob Fox
Jacob Fox

H-Index: 24

Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Urinary concentrations of metals before and after volcanic eruption: a natural experiment surrounding the eruption of Volcán de Fuego, 2018

Environmental geochemistry and health


Kathrin Schilling
Kathrin Schilling

H-Index: 8

Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Team sports participation, depression, and suicidal ideation in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning adolescents

Psychology in the Schools


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Ming Ma
Ming Ma

H-Index: 4

Development and application of an evidence-based directed acyclic graph to evaluate the associations between metal mixtures and cardiometabolic outcomes

Epidemiologic Methods


Workers and Climate Change: The Need for Academic–Industry Partnerships to Improve Agricultural Worker Health, Safety, and Wellbeing



Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Environmental metal exposures and kidney function of Guatemalan sugarcane workers

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Urinary cadmium and incident heart failure: a case–cohort analysis among never-smokers in Denmark



Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Jaymie Meliker
Jaymie Meliker

H-Index: 23

Integrating environment and aging research: opportunities for synergy and acceleration


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Mary Ann Ottinger
Mary Ann Ottinger

H-Index: 20

County-level social vulnerability is positively associated with cardiometabolic disease in Colorado

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Laura Corlin
Laura Corlin

H-Index: 7

The SITE Framework: A Novel Approach for Sustainably Integrating Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools

Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma


Scott Harpin
Scott Harpin

H-Index: 11

Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

Overview of the cardiovascular effects of environmental metals: New preclinical and clinical insights

Toxicology and applied pharmacology


Karim El-Kersh
Karim El-Kersh

H-Index: 12

Katherine A James
Katherine A James

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Katherine A James University(University of Colorado Denver)