Karolina Kósa

About Karolina Kósa

Karolina Kósa, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Debreceni Egyetem, specializes in the field of mental health, health promotion, health inequalities, behavioural sciences.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Cross-sectional comparison of health care delivery and reimbursement between segregated and nonsegregated communities in Hungary

Identifying academic motivation profiles and their association with mental health in medical school

Daily Optional Physical Education Does Not Counteract Increasing Inactivity by Age among Adolescents

Residence in segregated settlements (colonies) rather than Roma identity increases the risk of unfavourable mental health in Hungarian adults

The pendulum swings both ways: Evidence for U-shaped association between sleep duration and mental health outcomes

Egy teljeskörű iskolai egészségfejlesztési program tanulságai= Lessons from a Holistic School Health Promotion Program

Analyzing Narratives of Patient Experiences: A BERT Topic Modeling Approach

A gamerek és e-sportolók személyes jellemzői, motivációi, valamint életminőségük vizsgálata a játszási szokások tükrében

Karolina Kósa Information



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Karolina Kósa Skills & Research Interests

mental health

health promotion

health inequalities

behavioural sciences

Top articles of Karolina Kósa

Cross-sectional comparison of health care delivery and reimbursement between segregated and nonsegregated communities in Hungary

Frontiers in Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Identifying academic motivation profiles and their association with mental health in medical school

Medical Education Online


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Daily Optional Physical Education Does Not Counteract Increasing Inactivity by Age among Adolescents



Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Residence in segregated settlements (colonies) rather than Roma identity increases the risk of unfavourable mental health in Hungarian adults

Frontiers in Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

The pendulum swings both ways: Evidence for U-shaped association between sleep duration and mental health outcomes

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Szilvia Vincze
Szilvia Vincze

H-Index: 1

Egy teljeskörű iskolai egészségfejlesztési program tanulságai= Lessons from a Holistic School Health Promotion Program



Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Analyzing Narratives of Patient Experiences: A BERT Topic Modeling Approach

Acta Polytech. Hung


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

A gamerek és e-sportolók személyes jellemzői, motivációi, valamint életminőségük vizsgálata a játszási szokások tükrében

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Transfer of mental health Services for Medical Students to cyberspace during the COVID-19 pandemic: service use and Students’ preferences for psychological self-help techniques

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Vocational training of health mediators of primary care teams improves their sense of coherence

European Journal of Public Health


Az orvostanhallgatók mentális egészségét kedvezőtlenül befolyásoló tényezők és a beavatkozások lehetséges pontjai hallgatói szemszögből

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

A magyar felnőtt lakosság egészségműveltsége



Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Bad for girls and boys: gender does not modify the negative effect of physical inactivity on life satisfaction in adolescents

Frontiers in Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Barriers to seeking mental help and interventions to remove them in medical school during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives of students

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Assessment of cognitive function in long-term Hodgkin lymphoma survivors, results based on data from a major treatment center in Hungary

Supportive Care in Cancer


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Self-esteem is independent factor and moderator of school-related psychosocial determinants of life satisfaction in adolescents

International journal of environmental research and public health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

The social-ecological context of health literacy

Frontiers in Public Health


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

COVID-19 vaccination coverage in deprived populations living in segregated colonies: A nationwide cross-sectional study in Hungary

PLoS One


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

Perinatal, neonatal, developmental and demographic predictors of intelligence at 4 years of age among low birth weight children: a panel study with a 2-year follow-up

BMC pediatrics


Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

On-the-job vocational training of nonprofessional ethnic health workers of a primary health care team improves their sense of coherence

Human Resources for Health


Szilvia Vincze
Szilvia Vincze

H-Index: 1

Karolina Kósa
Karolina Kósa

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Karolina Kósa University(Debreceni Egyetem)