Karen Carlisle

About Karen Carlisle

Karen Carlisle, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at James Cook University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Pharmacy practice and first peoples health equity: a scoping review protocol

What works for and what hinders deimplementation of low-value care in emergency medicine practice? A scoping review

Effects of candidates’ demographics and evaluation of the virtual Multiple Mini Interview (vMMI) as a tool for selection into paediatric training in Queensland

Embracing pharmacy's contribution to the health of populations

Online mental health forums and rural resilience: mixed methods study and logic model

A systems approach to the perceptions of the integration of public health into pharmacy practice: A qualitative study

How to systematically analyze co‐production to inform future policies? Introducing 5Ws of co‐production

Community transformed? Exploring the interaction between online support and rural community life for people with acute mental health conditions

Karen Carlisle Information






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Top articles of Karen Carlisle

Pharmacy practice and first peoples health equity: a scoping review protocol


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

What works for and what hinders deimplementation of low-value care in emergency medicine practice? A scoping review


Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Evans

H-Index: 4

Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

Effects of candidates’ demographics and evaluation of the virtual Multiple Mini Interview (vMMI) as a tool for selection into paediatric training in Queensland

Medical Teacher


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

Tung Vu
Tung Vu

H-Index: 2

Embracing pharmacy's contribution to the health of populations

Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

Online mental health forums and rural resilience: mixed methods study and logic model

JMIR Mental Health


A systems approach to the perceptions of the integration of public health into pharmacy practice: A qualitative study

Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

How to systematically analyze co‐production to inform future policies? Introducing 5Ws of co‐production

Public Administration Review


Community transformed? Exploring the interaction between online support and rural community life for people with acute mental health conditions

Journal of Rural Studies


Evaluating the quality and safety of the BreastScreen remote radiology assessment model of service delivery in Australia

Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare


Knowledge, perception and practice of antibiotic use among livestock farmers in the Central Division of Fiji


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

David Maclaren
David Maclaren

H-Index: 11

Reshaping curriculum delivery to transition to a multiple campus MBBS program


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson

H-Index: 3

Identification of barriers, enablers and interventions to inform deimplementation of low-value care in emergency medicine practice: a protocol for a mixed methods scoping …


Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Evans

H-Index: 4

Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

How and why do women’s groups (WGs) improve the quality of maternal and child health (MCH) care? A systematic review of the literature


Protocol: Identification of barriers, enablers and interventions to inform deimplementation of low-value care in emergency medicine practice: A protocol for a mixed methods …


Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Evans

H-Index: 4

Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

Patient experiences of the community phase of the directly observed treatment short-course for tuberculosis in Malaita province, Solomon Islands

Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health


Perspectives of nurses about factors affecting quality of care at the Solomon Islands National Referral Hospital during the 2016-2017 dengue outbreak: a qualitative study

Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health


Rocketship and the Rural Health Workforce Revolution in the Pacific: Growing Skilled Medical Generalists Across the “Blue Continent”

Effective Strategies To Develop Rural Health Workforce In Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)


Karen Carlisle
Karen Carlisle

H-Index: 12

Paul Worley
Paul Worley

H-Index: 21

Respect is central: A critical review of implementation frameworks for continuous quality improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care services


Research capacity training for surveillance and response in the Indo-Pacific: a case study of implementation

Public Health Action


A qualitative exploration of priorities for quality improvement amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care services

BMC Health Services Research


See List of Professors in Karen Carlisle University(James Cook University)