Julie Bouchard

About Julie Bouchard

Julie Bouchard, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, specializes in the field of Neuropsychologie.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Promoting physical activity and academic achievement through physically active learning: Qualitative perspectives of co-design and implementation processes

Enhancing Child Development Through a Physically Active Learning Program to Mitigate the Impact of Physical Inactivity and ADHD Symptoms: A Crossover Trial

Technological Tools for Assisting People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Development Disorder (IDD) and Physical Disabilities (PD) Developing a technological …

Needs assessment regarding management decision-making for women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

Sur une forme blanche, immobile

Physical and Functional Clinical Profile of Older Adults in Specialized Geriatric Rehabilitation Care Services in Saguenay-Québec: A Retrospective Study at La Baie Hospital

Review of Filipi, A., & Markee, N.(Eds.).(2018). Conversation analysis and language alternation, capturing transitions in the classroom. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Explorer les pratiques de l'enseignant dans la collaboration école-famille-communauté: quelle place pour la formation?

Julie Bouchard Information



Professeure en neuropsychologie DSS



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Julie Bouchard Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Julie Bouchard

Promoting physical activity and academic achievement through physically active learning: Qualitative perspectives of co-design and implementation processes

Plos one


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Martin Lavallière
Martin Lavallière

H-Index: 12

Enhancing Child Development Through a Physically Active Learning Program to Mitigate the Impact of Physical Inactivity and ADHD Symptoms: A Crossover Trial


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Martin Lavallière
Martin Lavallière

H-Index: 12

Technological Tools for Assisting People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Development Disorder (IDD) and Physical Disabilities (PD) Developing a technological …


Needs assessment regarding management decision-making for women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Maryse Larouche
Maryse Larouche

H-Index: 6

Sur une forme blanche, immobile

XYZ. La revue de la nouvelle


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Physical and Functional Clinical Profile of Older Adults in Specialized Geriatric Rehabilitation Care Services in Saguenay-Québec: A Retrospective Study at La Baie Hospital

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Review of Filipi, A., & Markee, N.(Eds.).(2018). Conversation analysis and language alternation, capturing transitions in the classroom. John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Explorer les pratiques de l'enseignant dans la collaboration école-famille-communauté: quelle place pour la formation?


Serge Larivée
Serge Larivée

H-Index: 13

Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Explorer les pratiques de l’enseignant dans la collaboration école-famille-communauté

Numéro thématique: Collaboration Ecole-Famille


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

The Impact of Parkinson’s Disease on Postural Control in Older People and How Sex can Mediate These Results: A Systematic Review


Suzy Ngomo
Suzy Ngomo

H-Index: 10

Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

The Importance of adapting functional test instructions for older adults with neurocognitive disorders

Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Socially assistive robots: The specific case of the NAO


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Sébastien Gaboury
Sébastien Gaboury

H-Index: 17

École au Millénaire: un projet et un modèle à découvrir


Covid-19 Pandemic Decrease Physical Activity And May Affect Vo2Max Among School-age Children: Preliminary Results

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Julie Bouchard
Julie Bouchard

H-Index: 8

Co-design et scénarisation interactive d’une expérience ludique



See List of Professors in Julie Bouchard University(Université du Québec à Chicoutimi)