Jovan Dragelj

About Jovan Dragelj

Jovan Dragelj, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Berlin, specializes in the field of Computational chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multi-structural molecular docking (MOD) combined with molecular dynamics reveal the structural requirements of designing broad-spectrum inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 entry to host …

Conformational and mechanical stability of the isolated large subunit of membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Cupriavidus necator

Halogenation of tyrosine perturbs large-scale protein self-organization

Corrigendum: Hidden in Plain Sight: Natural Products of Commensal Microbiota as an Environmental Selection Pressure for the Rise of New Variants of SARS‐CoV‐2

Hidden in plain sight: natural products of commensal microbiota as an environmental selection pressure for the rise of new variants of SARS‐CoV‐2

Beating Heart of Cytochrome c Oxidase: The Shared Proton of Heme a3 Propionates

Quantification of Local Electric Field Changes at the Active Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Titrations

A Resonance Raman Marker Band Characterizes the Slow and Fast Form of Cytochrome c Oxidase

Jovan Dragelj Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Jovan Dragelj Skills & Research Interests

Computational chemistry

Top articles of Jovan Dragelj

Multi-structural molecular docking (MOD) combined with molecular dynamics reveal the structural requirements of designing broad-spectrum inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 entry to host …

Scientific Reports


Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

Maria Andrea Mroginski
Maria Andrea Mroginski

H-Index: 25

Conformational and mechanical stability of the isolated large subunit of membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Cupriavidus necator

Frontiers in Microbiology


Halogenation of tyrosine perturbs large-scale protein self-organization

Nature Communications


Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

Vladimir Kubyshkin
Vladimir Kubyshkin

H-Index: 15

Corrigendum: Hidden in Plain Sight: Natural Products of Commensal Microbiota as an Environmental Selection Pressure for the Rise of New Variants of SARS‐CoV‐2



Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

Maria Andrea Mroginski
Maria Andrea Mroginski

H-Index: 25

Hidden in plain sight: natural products of commensal microbiota as an environmental selection pressure for the rise of new variants of SARS‐CoV‐2


Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

Maria Andrea Mroginski
Maria Andrea Mroginski

H-Index: 25

Beating Heart of Cytochrome c Oxidase: The Shared Proton of Heme a3 Propionates

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

Maria Andrea Mroginski
Maria Andrea Mroginski

H-Index: 25

Quantification of Local Electric Field Changes at the Active Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Titrations

Frontiers in Chemistry


Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

Jacek Kozuch
Jacek Kozuch

H-Index: 10

A Resonance Raman Marker Band Characterizes the Slow and Fast Form of Cytochrome c Oxidase

Journal of the American Chemical Society


characterisation of the cyanate inhibited State of cytochrome c oxidase

Scientific Reports


Author correction: characterisation of the cyanate inhibited State of cytochrome c oxidase

Scientific Reports


The redox-coupled proton-channel opening in cytochrome c oxidase

Chemical Science


Alexander Wolf
Alexander Wolf

H-Index: 6

Jovan Dragelj
Jovan Dragelj

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Jovan Dragelj University(Technische Universität Berlin)