Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

About Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de La Rioja, specializes in the field of hidrología, sequías, sistemas de información geográfica, teledetección.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The expansion of forests and the practice of irrigated agriculture contribute to reduced river flows in southern Europe during dry years

A global drought monitoring system and dataset based on ERA5 reanalysis: A focus on crop‐growing regions

Zero tourism due to COVID-19: an opportunity to assess water consumption associated to tourism

Influence of the interannual variability of meteorological drought on the cross-interactions of ecological and hydrological drought in the central Spanish Pyrenees

An Optimized Workflow for Digital Surface Model Series Generation Based on Historical Aerial Images: Testing and Quality Assessment in the Beach-Dune System of Sa Ràpita-Es …

Assessment of vapor pressure deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture

Evaluation of long‐term changes in precipitation over Bolivia based on observations and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project models

Supplementary Information for: Assessment of Vapor Pressure Deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture

Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz Skills & Research Interests



sistemas de información geográfica


Top articles of Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

The expansion of forests and the practice of irrigated agriculture contribute to reduced river flows in southern Europe during dry years


A global drought monitoring system and dataset based on ERA5 reanalysis: A focus on crop‐growing regions

Geoscience Data Journal


Zero tourism due to COVID-19: an opportunity to assess water consumption associated to tourism

Journal of Sustainable Tourism


Influence of the interannual variability of meteorological drought on the cross-interactions of ecological and hydrological drought in the central Spanish Pyrenees


An Optimized Workflow for Digital Surface Model Series Generation Based on Historical Aerial Images: Testing and Quality Assessment in the Beach-Dune System of Sa Ràpita-Es …

Remote Sensing


Assessment of vapor pressure deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture

Atmospheric Research


Evaluation of long‐term changes in precipitation over Bolivia based on observations and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project models

International Journal of Climatology


Supplementary Information for: Assessment of Vapor Pressure Deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture


Geografía: cambios, retos y adaptación: libro de actas. XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Geografía, Logroño, 12 al 14 de septiembre de 2023

Geografía: cambios, retos y adaptación: libro de actas. XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Geografía, Logroño, 12 al 14 de septiembre de 2023


Influencia de la sequía meteorológica sobre las interacciones existentes entre la sequía ecológica e hidrológica en el pirineo central español

Geofocus: Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica


Lars Eklundh
Lars Eklundh

H-Index: 35

Conor Murphy
Conor Murphy

H-Index: 18

Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz
Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

H-Index: 22

Imprimiendo recursos en 3D para facilitar la inclusión en las aulas universitarias


Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz
Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

H-Index: 22

Purificación Ruiz Flaño
Purificación Ruiz Flaño

H-Index: 16

Caracterización hidro-climática y cambios ambientales en cuencas de media montaña del ecotono atlántico-mediterráneo (Sistema Ibérico Occidental)


Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz
Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

H-Index: 22

Purificación Ruiz Flaño
Purificación Ruiz Flaño

H-Index: 16

El proyecto LIFE MIDMACC: cómo gestionar la media montaña mediterránea tras su abandono


Purificación Ruiz Flaño
Purificación Ruiz Flaño

H-Index: 16

Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz
Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

H-Index: 22

Patrones de movilidad en la isla de Mallorca durante la pandemia COVID 19 a partir del volumen de agua tratado en las depuradoras


Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz
Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

H-Index: 22

Respuesta del caudal en espacios marginales de la media montaña mediterránea: estudio comparativo de pequeñas cuencas


Purificación Ruiz Flaño
Purificación Ruiz Flaño

H-Index: 16

Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz
Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

H-Index: 22

Generation of high-resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics from historical aerial photographs and LiDAR: quality assessment in the coastal beach-dune system of Es …


Subsidence mapping in Mallorca (Spain) via Sentinel-1 imagery and links with sedimentary basin characteristics


Identification of wall collapses in abandoned agricultural terraces using Object Based Image Analysis and High-Resolution Topography


Streamflow frequency changes across western Europe and interactions with North Atlantic atmospheric circulation patterns

Global and Planetary Change


The complex and spatially diverse patterns of hydrological droughts across Europe

Water Resources Research


See List of Professors in Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz University(Universidad de La Rioja)