Joren Gijsbrechts

About Joren Gijsbrechts

Joren Gijsbrechts, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specializes in the field of Operations Management, Inventory Control, Machine Learning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Optimal robust inventory management with volume flexibility: Matching capacity and demand with the lookahead peak‐shaving policy

Reward shaping to improve the performance of deep reinforcement learning in perishable inventory management

Volume flexibility at responsive suppliers in reshoring decisions: Analysis of a dual sourcing inventory model

Can deep reinforcement learning improve inventory management? performance on lost sales, dual-sourcing, and multi-echelon problems

Deep reinforcement learning for inventory control: A roadmap

Dual sourcing and smoothing under nonstationary demand time series: Reshoring with SpeedFactories

Optimal Robust Sourcing with Volume Flexibility: Anticipatory Ordering Using the Shifting Operator

Digital lean operations: Smart automation and artificial intelligence in financial services

Joren Gijsbrechts Information



PhD Student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Joren Gijsbrechts Skills & Research Interests

Operations Management

Inventory Control

Machine Learning

Top articles of Joren Gijsbrechts

Optimal robust inventory management with volume flexibility: Matching capacity and demand with the lookahead peak‐shaving policy

Production and Operations Management


Reward shaping to improve the performance of deep reinforcement learning in perishable inventory management

European Journal of Operational Research


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Volume flexibility at responsive suppliers in reshoring decisions: Analysis of a dual sourcing inventory model

Production and Operations Management


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Jan A Van Mieghem
Jan A Van Mieghem

H-Index: 26

Can deep reinforcement learning improve inventory management? performance on lost sales, dual-sourcing, and multi-echelon problems

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Jan A Van Mieghem
Jan A Van Mieghem

H-Index: 26

Deep reinforcement learning for inventory control: A roadmap


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Willem Van Jaarsveld
Willem Van Jaarsveld

H-Index: 11

Dual sourcing and smoothing under nonstationary demand time series: Reshoring with SpeedFactories

Management Science


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Jan A Van Mieghem
Jan A Van Mieghem

H-Index: 26

Optimal Robust Sourcing with Volume Flexibility: Anticipatory Ordering Using the Shifting Operator


Digital lean operations: Smart automation and artificial intelligence in financial services

Innovative Technology at the Interface of Finance and Operations: Volume I


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Jan A Van Mieghem
Jan A Van Mieghem

H-Index: 26

Synchromodal transportation planning using travel time information

Computers in Industry


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Robert Boute
Robert Boute

H-Index: 17

Inventory Control in the Era of Data Analytics


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Use of proximal policy optimization for the joint replenishment problem

Computers in Industry


Joren Gijsbrechts
Joren Gijsbrechts

H-Index: 6

Robert Boute
Robert Boute

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Joren Gijsbrechts University(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)