Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

About Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual Paulista, specializes in the field of Odontologia, Dentística.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Avaliação do modo de aplicação do uso do adesivo universal nas estratégias condiciona-e-lava e autocondicionante

Evaluation of the Quality of Canal Obturation Using the Continuous Wave Method after Shaping with Different NiTi Rotary Instruments by Micro-CT

Light-curing of calcium hydroxide-based liners: pH analysis and calcium ion release

Effect of sodium hypochlorite-based formulations on the adhesion interface after fiber post cementation

Fracture resistance and bonding performance after antioxidants pre-treatment in non-vital and bleached teeth

Medium‐term evaluation of the bond strength and dentin penetration of self‐adhesive resin cements to root dentin

Avaliação da resistência de união de diferentes métodos de aplicação do sistema adesivo universal na estratégia condiciona-e-lava

Effect of irrigation acid solutions on cleaning and bond strength to post‐space dentin

Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni Information



Mestranda em Dentística Restauradora Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - FOAr/



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

Avaliação do modo de aplicação do uso do adesivo universal nas estratégias condiciona-e-lava e autocondicionante

Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Milton Carlos Kuga
Milton Carlos Kuga

H-Index: 20

Evaluation of the Quality of Canal Obturation Using the Continuous Wave Method after Shaping with Different NiTi Rotary Instruments by Micro-CT

European Journal of General Dentistry


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Milton Carlos Kuga
Milton Carlos Kuga

H-Index: 20

Light-curing of calcium hydroxide-based liners: pH analysis and calcium ion release

Brazilian Dental Science


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Milton Carlos Kuga
Milton Carlos Kuga

H-Index: 20

Effect of sodium hypochlorite-based formulations on the adhesion interface after fiber post cementation

Dental Materials Journal


Fracture resistance and bonding performance after antioxidants pre-treatment in non-vital and bleached teeth

Brazilian Dental Journal


Medium‐term evaluation of the bond strength and dentin penetration of self‐adhesive resin cements to root dentin

Australian Dental Journal


Avaliação da resistência de união de diferentes métodos de aplicação do sistema adesivo universal na estratégia condiciona-e-lava

Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Effect of irrigation acid solutions on cleaning and bond strength to post‐space dentin

European Journal of Oral Sciences


Clinical evaluation of surface treatment on clinical performance of non-carious sclerotic cervical lesions: 18-month follow-up

American journal of dentistry


Microstructural effect of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide photoactivated with LED/laser

Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy


Efeito do re-polimento em cerâmicas CAD-CAM após desafio corrosivo-abrasivo-pigmentador

Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Avaliação do potencial de limpeza do acetato de amila na câmara pulpar impregnada com resíduos de cimento endodôntico à base de resina epóxi

Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Milton Carlos Kuga
Milton Carlos Kuga

H-Index: 20

Effect of polymerization activation mode and accelerated aging in the degree of conversion of self-adhesive resin cements

Research, Society and Development


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Leticia Ferreira De Freitas Brianezzi
Leticia Ferreira De Freitas Brianezzi

H-Index: 5

Effect of calcium hypochlorite as an irrigant alternative in the removal of methylene blue after photodynamic therapy under the post-space adhesive interface

Laser Physics


The influence of the application mode of the adhesive on the adhesive interface of cementing fiber pins

Caderno de ANAIS HOME


Effect of laser irradiation protocols on temperature, roughness, and morphology of the root surface after root-end resection

Laser Physics


Effect of irrigation protocols on chemical smear layer formation over the post‐space dentin

Microscopy Research and Technique


Influence of different glaze firing protocols on the mechanical properties of CAD-CAM ceramic materials

The Journal of prosthetic dentistry


Effect of mechanical cleaning protocols in the fiber post space on the adhesive interface between universal adhesive and root dentin

Microscopy research and technique


Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni
Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni

H-Index: 1

Milton Carlos Kuga
Milton Carlos Kuga

H-Index: 20

Effects of tooth bleaching protocols with violet LED and hydrogen peroxide on enamel properties

Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy


See List of Professors in Joissi Ferrari Zaniboni University(Universidade Estadual Paulista)