Johny Marpaung

About Johny Marpaung

Johny Marpaung, With an exceptional h-index of 3 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Sumatera Utara,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effectiveness of MESH–TEEN application on the menstrual hygiene management of teenage girls in Medan, Indonesia

Improving data security with the utilization of matrix columnar transposition techniques

Increasing Productivity And Local Product Branding Optimization And Food Security in Desa Perkebunan Tanjung Kasau

The Effectiveness of Digital Literacy in Improving Community Skills in the Tanjung Kasau Plantation Village

Empowerment of Groups of Society Through Creative Economy Production Convection and Sablon in SMPS PTPN 4 Dolok Ilir Simalungun

A Mathematical Approach to Dampening Sea Waves Using Submerged Permeable Breakwater

Differences of Serum Total Antioxidant Capacity Levels in Women with Early Menopause and Normal Menopause

Analysis of the Effect of District/City Minimum Wage and Labor Force Participation Rate on the Open Unemployment Rate of North Sumatra Province in 2021-2022

Johny Marpaung Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Johny Marpaung

The effectiveness of MESH–TEEN application on the menstrual hygiene management of teenage girls in Medan, Indonesia

Multidisciplinary Science Journal


Johny Marpaung
Johny Marpaung

H-Index: 2

Nur Asnah Sitohang
Nur Asnah Sitohang

H-Index: 4

Improving data security with the utilization of matrix columnar transposition techniques

E3S Web of Conferences


Increasing Productivity And Local Product Branding Optimization And Food Security in Desa Perkebunan Tanjung Kasau

ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


The Effectiveness of Digital Literacy in Improving Community Skills in the Tanjung Kasau Plantation Village

ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


Empowerment of Groups of Society Through Creative Economy Production Convection and Sablon in SMPS PTPN 4 Dolok Ilir Simalungun

ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


A Mathematical Approach to Dampening Sea Waves Using Submerged Permeable Breakwater

Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika


Differences of Serum Total Antioxidant Capacity Levels in Women with Early Menopause and Normal Menopause

Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Johny Marpaung
Johny Marpaung

H-Index: 2

Dwi Faradina
Dwi Faradina

H-Index: 0

Analysis of the Effect of District/City Minimum Wage and Labor Force Participation Rate on the Open Unemployment Rate of North Sumatra Province in 2021-2022

Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education


The Effect of Number of Population, Average Expenditure, Unemployment, and Number of Poor People in North Sumatra Province with Path Analysis Method

Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education


Double Exponential Smoothing Method to Forecast the Production of Tembakau in North Sumatra

Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education


Application of Pathway Analysis Factors Affecting the Human Development Index in North Sumatra in 2021-2022

Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education


Analysis of the Effect of Population and Average Net Wage/Salary on the Number of Poverty in Medan Using Linear Regression Method

Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education


Relationship of Vaccination History and Pregnancy Health Protocol Compliance with Positive Antigen Test Result at Community Health Center in Medan, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


Johny Marpaung
Johny Marpaung

H-Index: 2

Edy Ardiansyah
Edy Ardiansyah

H-Index: 2

Sensitivity and Specificity of Abdominal Circumference as Single Marker in Predicting Macrosomia at Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan 2017-2021

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


The Differences in Ferritin and Hemoglobin Levels Before and After Administration of Iron Sucrose Injection to Second or Third Trimester Pregnant Women at Araskabu Public …

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


Johny Marpaung
Johny Marpaung

H-Index: 2

Edy Ardiansyah
Edy Ardiansyah

H-Index: 2

Computational Analysis for Dam Stability Against Water Flow Pressure

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Selenium Levels based on Various Menopause Complaints Assessed by Menopause-specific Quality of Life Questionnaire before and after Selenium Intervention

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar TNF-α, IL-2, sFlt-1 Pada Tikus Model Preeklamsia

Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)


Active Learning Training with Mathematics Tools at SD HKBP Pembangunan 3 Medan

ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


Active learning for middle school based on information technology in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar

ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


See List of Professors in Johny Marpaung University(Universitas Sumatera Utara)