John Parkington

About John Parkington

John Parkington, With an exceptional h-index of 59 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Cape Town, specializes in the field of rock art, shell middens, human evolution, South African Prehistory, San hunter gatherers.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Faraoskop Event: a significant moment in the history of foraging in the Western Cape, South Africa?

Diepkloof Rock Shelter and Elands Bay Cave, West Coast of South Africa

Bone histology of Neogene angulate tortoises (Testudines: Testudinidae) from South Africa: palaeobiological and skeletochronological implications

Fire and human management of late Holocene ecosystems in southern Africa

Fossil charcoals as a means for reconstruction of past hydroclimate variability through the Last Glacial Maximum: a case study from two archaeological sites in the Winter and …

From quartz curvature to late Holocene mobility at Spring Cave, Western Cape, South Africa

Entangled lives, relational ontology and rock paintings: Elephant and human figures in the rock art of the Western Cape, South Africa

Cloaks and torsos: image recognition, ethnography and male initiation events in the rock art of the Western Cape

John Parkington Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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John Parkington Skills & Research Interests

rock art

shell middens

human evolution

South African Prehistory

San hunter gatherers

Top articles of John Parkington

The Faraoskop Event: a significant moment in the history of foraging in the Western Cape, South Africa?


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Emma Loftus
Emma Loftus

H-Index: 9

Diepkloof Rock Shelter and Elands Bay Cave, West Coast of South Africa


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Bone histology of Neogene angulate tortoises (Testudines: Testudinidae) from South Africa: palaeobiological and skeletochronological implications

Royal Society Open Science


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Fire and human management of late Holocene ecosystems in southern Africa


Fossil charcoals as a means for reconstruction of past hydroclimate variability through the Last Glacial Maximum: a case study from two archaeological sites in the Winter and …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Robyn Pickering
Robyn Pickering

H-Index: 19

From quartz curvature to late Holocene mobility at Spring Cave, Western Cape, South Africa

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences


Benjamin Davies
Benjamin Davies

H-Index: 18

John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Entangled lives, relational ontology and rock paintings: Elephant and human figures in the rock art of the Western Cape, South Africa

Southern African Field Archaeology


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Cloaks and torsos: image recognition, ethnography and male initiation events in the rock art of the Western Cape

Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Histological investigation of burnt bones: a case study of angulate tortoises from the archaeological site, Diepkloof rock shelter, Western cape, South Africa

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Field processing and transport costs in shellfish gathering along the Cape west coast

Quaternary international


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

“When elephants were people”: Elephant/human images of the Olifants River, Western Cape, South Africa


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

In December 1660 Jan Danckaert and a small group of soldiers and explorers from the Dutch East India Company (VOC) settlement in Table Bay (Figure 10.1) crossed over from the …

Ontologies of Rock Art: Images, Relational Approaches, and Indigenous Knowledges


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Experimentation preceding innovation in a MIS5 Pre-Still Bay layer from Diepkloof Rock Shelter (South Africa): emerging technologies and symbols


Ecosystem engineering in the Quaternary of the West Coast of South Africa


Shell middens and coastal prehistory


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Contemporaneity and entanglement: Archaeological site structure from a Bayesian perspective

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Simon Hoyte
Simon Hoyte

H-Index: 2

Season of occupation of Elands Bay Cave: Expanding the rock hyrax calendar

South African Archaeological Bulletin


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

When was silcrete heat treatment invented in South Africa?

Palgrave Communications


Human exploitation of nocturnal felines at Diepkloof Rock Shelter provides further evidence for symbolic behaviours during the Middle Stone Age

Scientific Reports


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

Forum Communication-“Reply to Antonieta Jerardino's comment on ‘Field Processing and transport costs in shellfish gathering along the Cape west coast’by John Parkington, Ruan …

Quaternary International


John Parkington
John Parkington

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in John Parkington University(University of Cape Town)