Johann Galdies

About Johann Galdies

Johann Galdies, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Malta, specializes in the field of Palaeontology, Palaeobiology, Geometric Morphometrics, Marine Biology, Palaeoecology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Using Local Ecological Knowledge to Search for Non-Native Species in Natura 2000 Sites in the Central Mediterranean Sea: An Approach to Identify New Arrivals and Hotspot Areas

The confirmed occurrence of Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in Maltese waters, central Mediterranean Sea

Structure and biodiversity of a Maltese maerl bed: New insight into the associated assemblage 24 years after the first investigation

Ocean literacy and scientific data acquisition through citizen science campaigns: a mixed approach in the Maltese Islands to collect information on Pinna nobilis and Pinna rudis

The bears of the European steppe: a review

Turning waste into a resource: isolation and characterization of high-quality collagen and oils from Atlantic bluefin tuna discards

The synergistic impacts of anthropogenic stressors and COVID-19 on aquaculture: a current global perspective

DNA analysis supports the presence of Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777), Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865) and Polyommatus celina (Austaut, 1879) in Malta: A seasonal and multi …

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Johann Galdies Skills & Research Interests



Geometric Morphometrics

Marine Biology


Top articles of Johann Galdies

Using Local Ecological Knowledge to Search for Non-Native Species in Natura 2000 Sites in the Central Mediterranean Sea: An Approach to Identify New Arrivals and Hotspot Areas



Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun

H-Index: 23

Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

The confirmed occurrence of Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in Maltese waters, central Mediterranean Sea


Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun

H-Index: 23

Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

Structure and biodiversity of a Maltese maerl bed: New insight into the associated assemblage 24 years after the first investigation

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun

H-Index: 23

Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

Ocean literacy and scientific data acquisition through citizen science campaigns: a mixed approach in the Maltese Islands to collect information on Pinna nobilis and Pinna rudis

Mediterranean Marine Science


The bears of the European steppe: a review


Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

Turning waste into a resource: isolation and characterization of high-quality collagen and oils from Atlantic bluefin tuna discards

Applied Sciences


DNA analysis supports the presence of Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777), Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865) and Polyommatus celina (Austaut, 1879) in Malta: A seasonal and multi …

Biogeographia–The Journal of Integrative Biogeography


Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

Charles Galdies
Charles Galdies

H-Index: 7

Bridging the knowledge gap on the distribution and typology of vermetid bioconstructions along the Maltese coastline: an updated assessment


The first confirmed record of the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Decapoda, Brachyura) from Maltese waters


First record of the flat needlefish Ablennes hians (Belonidae) in central Mediterranean waters (western Ionian Sea)


Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun

H-Index: 23

Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

Tapping into hard-to-get information: the contribution of citizen science campaigns for updating knowledge on range-expanding, introduced and rare native marine species in the …


Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun

H-Index: 23

Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

New alien Mediterranean biodiversity records (November 2021)


A bonanza of angelfish (Perciformes: Pomacanthidae) in the Mediterranean: the second documented record of Holacanthus ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1758)


Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun

H-Index: 23

Johann Galdies
Johann Galdies

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Johann Galdies University(University of Malta)