Johan Ceusters

About Johan Ceusters

Johan Ceusters, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specializes in the field of Plantenfysiologie.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The regulation of photosynthesis by ethylene in tomato

Steering the rhizosphere microbiome for optimal plant growth: Unveiling the potential of artificial root exudates

The use of composts and nature management residues in horticultural substrates: a microbiome perspective

The role of ethylene in photosynthate partitioning and source-sink modulation in crops

Ethylene inhibits photosynthesis via temporally distinct responses in tomato plants

Effect of ethylene pretreatment on tomato plant responses to salt, drought, and waterlogging stress

The effect of ethylene on photosynthesis of tomato plants

Suppression of Phytophthora on Chamaecyparis in Sustainable Horticultural Substrates Depends on Fertilization and Is Linked to the Rhizobiome

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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Johan Ceusters

The regulation of photosynthesis by ethylene in tomato


Bram Van De Poel
Bram Van De Poel

H-Index: 18

Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Steering the rhizosphere microbiome for optimal plant growth: Unveiling the potential of artificial root exudates


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

The use of composts and nature management residues in horticultural substrates: a microbiome perspective


The role of ethylene in photosynthate partitioning and source-sink modulation in crops


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Bram Van De Poel
Bram Van De Poel

H-Index: 18

Ethylene inhibits photosynthesis via temporally distinct responses in tomato plants

Plant Physiology


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Bram Van De Poel
Bram Van De Poel

H-Index: 18

Effect of ethylene pretreatment on tomato plant responses to salt, drought, and waterlogging stress

Plant Direct


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Bram Van De Poel
Bram Van De Poel

H-Index: 18

The effect of ethylene on photosynthesis of tomato plants


Bram Van De Poel
Bram Van De Poel

H-Index: 18

Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Suppression of Phytophthora on Chamaecyparis in Sustainable Horticultural Substrates Depends on Fertilization and Is Linked to the Rhizobiome

Phytobiomes Journal


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

Effects of chilling on the photosynthetic performance of the CAM orchid Phalaenopsis

Frontiers in Plant Science


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Elucidating the microbiome of the sustainable peat replacers composts and nature management residues

Frontiers in microbiology


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

Disease suppression in sustainable horticultural substrates with management residues depends on fertilization and is linked to the rhizosphere microbiome


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

Shifts in the microbiome of management residues that are optimized for a better fit in growing media

II International Symposium on Growing Media, Soilless Cultivation, and Compost Utilization in Horticulture 1317


Possibilities of modified atmosphere packaging to prevent the occurrence of internal fruit rot in bell pepper fruit (Capsicum annuum) caused by Fusarium spp

Postharvest Biology and Technology


Stijn Luca
Stijn Luca

H-Index: 7

Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Phosphorolytic degradation of leaf starch via plastidic α-glucan phosphorylase leads to optimized plant growth and water use efficiency over the diel phases of Crassulacean …

Journal of Experimental Botany


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

James Hartwell
James Hartwell

H-Index: 18

Understanding the shift in the microbiome of composts that are optimized for a better fit-for-purpose in growing media

Frontiers in microbiology


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

How to resolve the enigma of diurnal malate remobilisation from the vacuole in plants with crassulacean acid metabolism?

New Phytologist


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Valorization of landscape residues: The potential of heathland and forest management residues for the ornamental sector in Flanders, Belgium


Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

pH modulation of the environment by Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum, an important pathogen causing fruit rot in Cucurbitaceae


Characteristics of residues from heathland restauration and management: implications for their sustainable use in agricultural soils or growing media

Waste and Biomass Valorization


Johan Ceusters
Johan Ceusters

H-Index: 15

Karen Vancampenhout
Karen Vancampenhout

H-Index: 11

SymBIOnt: Smeltkroes van insecten-en plantenonderzoek in Geel



See List of Professors in Johan Ceusters University(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)