Jiaojiao Ji

About Jiaojiao Ji

Jiaojiao Ji, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Nanjing University, specializes in the field of Social network analysis, Machine learning, Fake News, Science Communication.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Proximity or alienation? Can knowledge type influence the relationship between proximity and enterprise innovation performance?

Who Sets the Agenda for Climate Change in China? A Longitudinal Analysis of Primary Actors that Drive Online Discussions on Social Media

Exploring the climate change discourse on Chinese social media and the role of social bots

Characterizing the semantic features of climate change misinformation on Chinese social media

YouTube comments on gene-edited babies: What factors affect diverse opinions in comments?

A comparison of misinformation feature effectiveness across issues and time on Chinese social media

Impact of environmental regulations on eco-innovation: The moderating role of top managers’ environmental awareness and commitment

Comparison of public discussions of gene editing on social media between the United States and China

Jiaojiao Ji Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Jiaojiao Ji Skills & Research Interests

Social network analysis

Machine learning

Fake News

Science Communication

Top articles of Jiaojiao Ji

Proximity or alienation? Can knowledge type influence the relationship between proximity and enterprise innovation performance?

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

Who Sets the Agenda for Climate Change in China? A Longitudinal Analysis of Primary Actors that Drive Online Discussions on Social Media

Environmental Communication


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

Yongxu Lu
Yongxu Lu

H-Index: 7

Exploring the climate change discourse on Chinese social media and the role of social bots

Asian Journal of Communication


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

Ting Hu
Ting Hu

H-Index: 15

Characterizing the semantic features of climate change misinformation on Chinese social media

Public Understanding of Science


Yuqi Zhu
Yuqi Zhu

H-Index: 7

Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

YouTube comments on gene-edited babies: What factors affect diverse opinions in comments?

Social Science Computer Review


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

A comparison of misinformation feature effectiveness across issues and time on Chinese social media

Information Processing & Management


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

Yuqi Zhu
Yuqi Zhu

H-Index: 7

Impact of environmental regulations on eco-innovation: The moderating role of top managers’ environmental awareness and commitment

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

Comparison of public discussions of gene editing on social media between the United States and China

Plos one


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

Microblog credibility indicators regarding misinformation of genetically modified food on Weibo

PloS one


Jiaojiao Ji
Jiaojiao Ji

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Jiaojiao Ji University(Nanjing University)