Jia-You Fang

About Jia-You Fang

Jia-You Fang, With an exceptional h-index of 77 and a recent h-index of 47 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Chang Gung University, specializes in the field of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

RNA-Based Antipsoriatic Gene Therapy: An Updated Review Focusing on Evidence from Animal Models

Chemo-photothermal therapy of chitosan/gold nanorod clusters for antibacterial treatment against the infection of planktonic and biofilm MRSA

Development of nanoparticles incorporated with quercetin and ACE2-membrane as a novel therapy for COVID-19

The anti‐inflammatory activity of flavonoids and alkaloids from Sophora flavescens alleviates psoriasiform lesions: Prenylation and methoxylation beneficially …

Facile adipocyte uptake and liver/adipose tissue delivery of conjugated linoleic acid-loaded tocol nanocarriers for a synergistic anti-adipogenesis effect

Neutrophil-targeted combinatorial nanosystems for suppressing bacteremia-associated hyperinflammation and MRSA infection to improve survival rates

Skin delivery of synthetic benzoyl pterostilbenes suppresses atopic dermatitis-like inflammation through the inhibition of keratinocyte and macrophage activation

Topically applied pH-responsive nanogels for alkyl radical-based therapy against psoriasiform hyperplasia

Jia-You Fang Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jia-You Fang Skills & Research Interests

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Top articles of Jia-You Fang

RNA-Based Antipsoriatic Gene Therapy: An Updated Review Focusing on Evidence from Animal Models


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Chemo-photothermal therapy of chitosan/gold nanorod clusters for antibacterial treatment against the infection of planktonic and biofilm MRSA

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Development of nanoparticles incorporated with quercetin and ACE2-membrane as a novel therapy for COVID-19

Journal of Nanobiotechnology


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Pan-Chyr Yang
Pan-Chyr Yang

H-Index: 69

The anti‐inflammatory activity of flavonoids and alkaloids from Sophora flavescens alleviates psoriasiform lesions: Prenylation and methoxylation beneficially …

Phytotherapy Research


Facile adipocyte uptake and liver/adipose tissue delivery of conjugated linoleic acid-loaded tocol nanocarriers for a synergistic anti-adipogenesis effect

Journal of Nanobiotechnology


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Neutrophil-targeted combinatorial nanosystems for suppressing bacteremia-associated hyperinflammation and MRSA infection to improve survival rates

Acta Biomaterialia


Chih-Jung Chen
Chih-Jung Chen

H-Index: 11

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Skin delivery of synthetic benzoyl pterostilbenes suppresses atopic dermatitis-like inflammation through the inhibition of keratinocyte and macrophage activation

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Topically applied pH-responsive nanogels for alkyl radical-based therapy against psoriasiform hyperplasia

Drug Delivery


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Proteinase K/Retinoic Acid-Loaded Cationic Liposomes as Multifunctional Anti-Acne Therapy to Disorganize Biofilm and Regulate Keratinocyte Proliferation

International Journal of Nanomedicine


Mei-Hua Lee
Mei-Hua Lee

H-Index: 9

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System-Containing the Poorly Absorbed Drug–Valsartan in Post-Bariatric Surgery

International Journal of Nanomedicine


Chih-Jung Chen
Chih-Jung Chen

H-Index: 11

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Exploring the potential of the nano-based sunscreens and antioxidants for preventing and treating skin photoaging


Chih-Hung Lin
Chih-Hung Lin

H-Index: 13

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Combining the dual antibacterial and regenerative activities of platelet-rich plasma with β-lactams to mitigate MRSA-infected skin wounds

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Lipid-based nanoformulation optimization for achieving cutaneous targeting: Niosomes as the potential candidates to fulfill this aim

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Correction: Fang et al. In Vivo Rodent Models of Type 2 Diabetes and Their Usefulness for Evaluating Flavonoid Bioactivity. Nutrients 2019, 11, 530



Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Chih-Hung Lin
Chih-Hung Lin

H-Index: 13

Small interfering RNA-based nanotherapeutics for treating skin-related diseases


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

The elucidation of structure–activity and structure-permeation relationships for the cutaneous delivery of phytosterols to attenuate psoriasiform inflammation

International Immunopharmacology


Chun-Wei Chen
Chun-Wei Chen

H-Index: 2

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

The role of cytokines/chemokines in an aging skin immune microenvironment


Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Targeting anti-inflammatory immunonanocarriers to human and murine neutrophils via the Ly6 antigen for psoriasiform dermatitis alleviation

Biomaterials Science


Tsong-Long Hwang
Tsong-Long Hwang

H-Index: 32

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

TiO2-embedded mesoporous silica with lower porosity is beneficial to adsorb the pollutants and retard UV filter absorption: A possible application for outdoor skin protection

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Yu-Chih Lin
Yu-Chih Lin

H-Index: 2

Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

Cutaneous delivery of cosmeceutical peptides enhanced by picosecond-and nanosecond-domain Nd: YAG lasers with quick recovery of the skin barrier function: comparison with …



Jia-You Fang
Jia-You Fang

H-Index: 41

See List of Professors in Jia-You Fang University(Chang Gung University)

