Jerzy Jonczak

About Jerzy Jonczak

Jerzy Jonczak, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Szkola Glówna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, specializes in the field of soil science, forest ecology, nutrient cycling, soil organic matter.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A field investigation on the soil management practices in a productive vineyard considering C sequestration and water resistance of soil structure

Human impacts on the environment in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Central Europe-an overview

Remediation of Soils Polluted by Urban Settings

Human impacts on environment in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Poland—An overview

Stoichiometry of arable black soil on the Ukrainian Western forest steppe

Application of Poultry Manure Improves the Soil Sorption Capacity and Nutrient Regime of Vineyard Soils

Optimizing Soil Management for Sustainable Viticulture: Insights from a Rendzic Leptosol Vineyard in the Nitra Wine Region, Slovakia

A field study on the management practices in a productive vineyard for efficient C sequestration and improved water resistance of soil structure

Jerzy Jonczak Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jerzy Jonczak Skills & Research Interests

soil science

forest ecology

nutrient cycling

soil organic matter

Top articles of Jerzy Jonczak

A field investigation on the soil management practices in a productive vineyard considering C sequestration and water resistance of soil structure



Vladimír Šimanský
Vladimír Šimanský

H-Index: 14

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Human impacts on the environment in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Central Europe-an overview


Remediation of Soils Polluted by Urban Settings


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Human impacts on environment in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Poland—An overview


Michał Słowiński
Michał Słowiński

H-Index: 4

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Stoichiometry of arable black soil on the Ukrainian Western forest steppe

International Journal of Environmental Studies


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Application of Poultry Manure Improves the Soil Sorption Capacity and Nutrient Regime of Vineyard Soils

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis


Optimizing Soil Management for Sustainable Viticulture: Insights from a Rendzic Leptosol Vineyard in the Nitra Wine Region, Slovakia



A field study on the management practices in a productive vineyard for efficient C sequestration and improved water resistance of soil structure


Vladimír Šimanský
Vladimír Šimanský

H-Index: 14

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Effect of tillage systems on the quality of different soil types

Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica:: ISSN 1336-9245


Elżbieta Wójcik-Gront
Elżbieta Wójcik-Gront

H-Index: 7

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Nutrient fluxes via litterfall in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands growing on post-arable soils

European Journal of Forest Research


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Lidia Oktaba
Lidia Oktaba

H-Index: 6

Grass sward cover improves soil organic carbon and nitrogen in a vineyard

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition


The use of trophic status indicator as a tool to assess the potential of birch-afforested soils to provide ecosystem services

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Lidia Oktaba
Lidia Oktaba

H-Index: 6

Soil organic matter transformation influenced by silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) succession on abandoned from agricultural production sandy soil

European Journal of Forest Research


Effects of lime and fertiliser on productivity of Albic Retisols

International Journal of Environmental Studies


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Dynamics of fungal community structure in a silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) succession chronosequence on poor-quality post-arable soil

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

Lidia Oktaba
Lidia Oktaba

H-Index: 6

Optimizing pyrolysis conditions of biochars derived from byproducts of forest and food industry for soil amendments


Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

The record of geochemical changes in the biogenic-calcareous sediments of a kettle-hole in a young glacial landscape (western Kashubian Lakeland, North Poland)

Studia Quaternaria


Adam Wojciechowski
Adam Wojciechowski

H-Index: 7

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

The status of heavy metals in arable soils of contrasting texture treated by biochar–an experiment from Slovakia

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A


Vladimír Šimanský
Vladimír Šimanský

H-Index: 14

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

A novel multiProxy APProAch to detect the imPAct of chArcoAl Production on the nAturAl environment in nW PolAnd–Project concePt And PreliminAry results

Geographia Polonica


Does long-term application of mineral fertilizers improve physical properties and nutrient regime of sandy soils?

Soil and Tillage Research


Vladimír Šimanský
Vladimír Šimanský

H-Index: 14

Jerzy Jonczak
Jerzy Jonczak

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Jerzy Jonczak University(Szkola Glówna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego)

