Jennifer Oates

Jennifer Oates

King's College

H-index: 12

North America-United States

About Jennifer Oates

Jennifer Oates, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King's College, specializes in the field of mental health, health care regulation, nursing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The mental health service needs and experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the UK: a literature review

A systematic review of peer support interventions for student mental health and well-being in higher education

Do educational interventions improve the attitudes of emergency nurses towards patients who self-harm? A systematic review

Understanding how the university curriculum impacts student wellbeing: A qualitative study

Staff Perspectives: Defining the Types, Challenges and Lessons Learnt of University Peer Support for Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

Connections, rituals and identities: healthcare students’ descriptions of objects that represent resilience

“We’re giving them the tools.” A qualitative study of nursing students working with Recovery College trainers to support student wellbeing

Factors affecting high secure forensic mental health nursing workforce sustainability: Perspectives from frontline nurses and stakeholders

Jennifer Oates Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Jennifer Oates Skills & Research Interests

mental health

health care regulation


Top articles of Jennifer Oates

The mental health service needs and experiences of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the UK: a literature review


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

A systematic review of peer support interventions for student mental health and well-being in higher education


Nicola Byrom
Nicola Byrom

H-Index: 9

Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Do educational interventions improve the attitudes of emergency nurses towards patients who self-harm? A systematic review


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Understanding how the university curriculum impacts student wellbeing: A qualitative study

Higher education


Nicola Byrom
Nicola Byrom

H-Index: 9

Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Staff Perspectives: Defining the Types, Challenges and Lessons Learnt of University Peer Support for Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

Education sciences


Nicola Byrom
Nicola Byrom

H-Index: 9

Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Connections, rituals and identities: healthcare students’ descriptions of objects that represent resilience

The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

“We’re giving them the tools.” A qualitative study of nursing students working with Recovery College trainers to support student wellbeing

The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Factors affecting high secure forensic mental health nursing workforce sustainability: Perspectives from frontline nurses and stakeholders

Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Anne Marie Rafferty
Anne Marie Rafferty

H-Index: 32

You’re not a normal student. The meaning of wellbeing for student nurses

The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Implications for mental health workforce strategy, professional training and supervision of more widespread adoption of the multi-professional Responsible Clinician role …

International journal of law and psychiatry


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

John Taylor
John Taylor

H-Index: 2

An integrative review of nursing staff experiences in high secure forensic mental health settings: Implications for recruitment and retention strategies


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Anne Marie Rafferty
Anne Marie Rafferty

H-Index: 32

‘The rollercoaster’: a qualitative study of midwifery students’ experiences affecting their mental wellbeing



Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

Kim Watts
Kim Watts

H-Index: 9

Responsibility as professional leadership and decision making: Interviews with non-medical Responsible Clinicians

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

John Taylor
John Taylor

H-Index: 2

Occupational health in mental health services: a qualitative study

International journal of workplace health management


Jennifer Oates
Jennifer Oates

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Jennifer Oates University(King's College)