Jenni L Hopkins

About Jenni L Hopkins

Jenni L Hopkins, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Victoria University of Wellington, specializes in the field of Auckland Volcanic Field, Tephra, Monogenetic volcanism, tephrostratigraphy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Microfossil evidence for a possible maar crater and tuff ring beneath Rangitoto Volcano, Auckland, New Zealand

The age and potential causes of the giant Green Lake Landslide, Fiordland, New Zealand

Advances in New Zealand's tephrochronostratigraphy using marine drill sites: The Neogene

An integrated proximal-distal radiocarbon dating approach provides improved age constraints for a key Holocene tephra isochron

East Antarctic Ice Sheet variability during the middle Miocene Climate Transition captured in drill cores from the Friis Hills, Transantarctic Mountains

Data report: marine tephra compositions in proximal and distal drill cores, IODP Expeditions 375, 372, and 329, ODP Leg 181, and DSDP Leg 90, offshore New Zealand, Southwest …

Tephra layers in the marine environment: A review of properties and emplacement processes

Volcanogenic aluminosilicate alteration drives formation of authigenic phases at the northern Hikurangi margin: Implications for subseafloor geochemical cycles

Jenni L Hopkins Information






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Jenni L Hopkins Skills & Research Interests

Auckland Volcanic Field


Monogenetic volcanism


Top articles of Jenni L Hopkins

Microfossil evidence for a possible maar crater and tuff ring beneath Rangitoto Volcano, Auckland, New Zealand

New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

The age and potential causes of the giant Green Lake Landslide, Fiordland, New Zealand



Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

Advances in New Zealand's tephrochronostratigraphy using marine drill sites: The Neogene

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


An integrated proximal-distal radiocarbon dating approach provides improved age constraints for a key Holocene tephra isochron


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

East Antarctic Ice Sheet variability during the middle Miocene Climate Transition captured in drill cores from the Friis Hills, Transantarctic Mountains

GSA Bulletin


Data report: marine tephra compositions in proximal and distal drill cores, IODP Expeditions 375, 372, and 329, ODP Leg 181, and DSDP Leg 90, offshore New Zealand, Southwest …


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

Kuo-Lung Wang
Kuo-Lung Wang

H-Index: 6

Tephra layers in the marine environment: A review of properties and emplacement processes


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

Volcanogenic aluminosilicate alteration drives formation of authigenic phases at the northern Hikurangi margin: Implications for subseafloor geochemical cycles

Chemical Geology


Trench floor depositional response to glacio-eustatic changes over the last 45 ka, northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand

New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics


Quaternary marine tephrochronology of Rock Garden accretionary ridge, Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

Nina Kukowski
Nina Kukowski

H-Index: 24

Millennial-scale periodicities associated with changes in wind ansd precipitation over the last Glacial cycle (ca. 117±8.5 ka BP) recorded in sediments from Lake Kai Iwi …

Global and Planetary Change


Tephrochronology in Aotearoa New Zealand

New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics


Revised tephrochronology for key tephras in the 130-ka Ōrākei Basin maar core, Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand: implications for the timing of climatic changes

New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics


Leonie Peti
Leonie Peti

H-Index: 5

Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

Auckland Volcanic Field magmatism, volcanism, and hazard: a review


Composite development and stratigraphy of the Onepoto maar lake sediment sequence (Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand)

Scientific Drilling


A multi-proxy paleoenvironmental interpretation spanning the last glacial cycle (ca. 117±8.5 ka BP) from a lake sediment stratigraphy from Lake Kai Iwi, Northland, New Zealand

Journal of Paleolimnology


TephraNZ: a major and trace element reference dataset for prominent Quaternary rhyolitic tephras in New Zealand and implications for correlation

Geochronology Discussions


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

David J Lowe
David J Lowe

H-Index: 28

Deposition and preservation of tephra in marine sediments at the active Hikurangi subduction margin


Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

Aratrika Ganguly
Aratrika Ganguly

H-Index: 1

Development of a multi-method chronology spanning the Last Glacial Interval from Orakei maar lake, Auckland, New Zealand

Geochronology Discussions


Itrax μ‐XRF core scanning for rapid tephrostratigraphic analysis: a case study from the Auckland Volcanic Field maar lakes

Journal of Quaternary Science


Leonie Peti
Leonie Peti

H-Index: 5

Jenni L Hopkins
Jenni L Hopkins

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Jenni L Hopkins University(Victoria University of Wellington)

