Jean-Marie Aerts

About Jean-Marie Aerts

Jean-Marie Aerts, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specializes in the field of human health engineering, health monitoring, health control systems, mHealth.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The relationship between manual ability, dystonia and choreoathetosis severity and upper limb movement patterns during reaching and grasping in children and young adults with …

Accuracy of Fitbit Charge 4, Garmin Vivosmart 4, and WHOOP Versus Polysomnography: Systematic Review

Assessment of the Barriers and Enablers of the Use of mHealth Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa According to the Perceptions of Patients, Physicians, and Health Care Executives in …

Altered upper limb kinematics in individuals with dyskinetic cerebral palsy in comparison with typically developing peers–A statistical parametric mapping study

Heart rate and oxygen uptake kinetics obtained from continuous measurements with wearable devices during outdoor walks of patients with COPD

Process monitoring and controlled biomanufacturing of human periosteum derived progenitor cells for cell therapy applications

Reliability and Discriminative Validity of Wearable Sensors for the Quantification of Upper Limb Movement Disorders in Individuals with Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy

A modelling framework for local thermal comfort assessment related to bicycle helmet use

Jean-Marie Aerts Information



Professor Human Health Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Jean-Marie Aerts Skills & Research Interests

human health engineering

health monitoring

health control systems


Top articles of Jean-Marie Aerts

The relationship between manual ability, dystonia and choreoathetosis severity and upper limb movement patterns during reaching and grasping in children and young adults with …

European Journal of Paediatric Neurology


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Accuracy of Fitbit Charge 4, Garmin Vivosmart 4, and WHOOP Versus Polysomnography: Systematic Review


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Assessment of the Barriers and Enablers of the Use of mHealth Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa According to the Perceptions of Patients, Physicians, and Health Care Executives in …

Journal of medical Internet research


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Altered upper limb kinematics in individuals with dyskinetic cerebral palsy in comparison with typically developing peers–A statistical parametric mapping study

Gait & Posture


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Heart rate and oxygen uptake kinetics obtained from continuous measurements with wearable devices during outdoor walks of patients with COPD

Digital Health


Joren Buekers
Joren Buekers

H-Index: 3

Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Process monitoring and controlled biomanufacturing of human periosteum derived progenitor cells for cell therapy applications


Reliability and Discriminative Validity of Wearable Sensors for the Quantification of Upper Limb Movement Disorders in Individuals with Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy



Saranda Bekteshi
Saranda Bekteshi

H-Index: 2

Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

A modelling framework for local thermal comfort assessment related to bicycle helmet use

Journal of thermal biology


The Health and Care Professions of the Future


Assessment of movement disorders using wearable sensors during upper limb tasks: A scoping review


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Emotional states versus mental heart rate component monitored via wearables

Applied Sciences


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Markerless motion capture to assess upper extremity movements in individuals with dyskinetic cerebral palsy: an accuracy and validity study



Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Hans Hallez
Hans Hallez

H-Index: 13

Human health engineering: going from biology to technology

Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Pelvic Rotation Detection for Low Back Pain Monitoring Using IMUs: Preliminary Results


Bart Vanrumste
Bart Vanrumste

H-Index: 24

Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

The development of automated, image-based monitoring strategies for tissue engineering applications


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Current evidence on the use of mHealth approaches in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Replication Data for: Markerless motion capture to assess upper extremity movements in individuals with dyskinetic cerebral palsy: an accuracy and validity study


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Hans Hallez
Hans Hallez

H-Index: 13

mHealth in sub-Saharan Africa and Europe: A systematic review comparing the use and availability of mHealth approaches in sub-Saharan Africa and Europe


Jean-Marie Aerts
Jean-Marie Aerts

H-Index: 21

Trunk and upper extremity kinematics measured by markerless motion tracking in individuals with and without dyskinetic cerebral palsy

Developmental Medicine And Child Neurology


Automatic differentiation of dystonia and choreoathetosis using machine learning during functional upper limb tasks in the dyskinetic cerebral palsy population

Developmental Medicine And Child Neurology


See List of Professors in Jean-Marie Aerts University(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)