Javad Bazrafshan

About Javad Bazrafshan

Javad Bazrafshan, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Statistical Modeling in Climatology and Hydrometeorology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Predicting climate change impacts on distribution of Brant's oak trees (Quercus brantii Lindl.) in the Zagros forests, Fars Province

Investigating the homogeneity of temperature and precipitation data using statistical and statistical-climatic approaches

Correlation analysis of drought-dust and its relationship with vegetation changes in Khuzestan province

Synoptic weather variables and data mining methods for predicting regional heavy precipitation over the southwest of Iran

A comparative study of factors affecting the happinees and vitality of rural households Case: Villages of Torbat-e-Heydariyeh and Fooman county

Earlier sowing combined with nitrogen fertilization to adapt to climate change effects on yield of winter wheat in arid environments: Results from a field and modeling study

Flood Frequency Analysis under Nonstationary Modeling in the Gorganrood River Basin, Iran

Investigating factors affecting the sustainable livelihood of rural households: a case study of agricultural section of rostaq rural district in Khalilabad County

Javad Bazrafshan Information



Associate Prof.



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Javad Bazrafshan Skills & Research Interests

Statistical Modeling in Climatology and Hydrometeorology

Top articles of Javad Bazrafshan

Predicting climate change impacts on distribution of Brant's oak trees (Quercus brantii Lindl.) in the Zagros forests, Fars Province

Iranian Journal of Forest


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Investigating the homogeneity of temperature and precipitation data using statistical and statistical-climatic approaches

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Correlation analysis of drought-dust and its relationship with vegetation changes in Khuzestan province

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Abdolmajid Liaghat
Abdolmajid Liaghat

H-Index: 18

Synoptic weather variables and data mining methods for predicting regional heavy precipitation over the southwest of Iran


Kokab Shahgholian
Kokab Shahgholian

H-Index: 1

Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

A comparative study of factors affecting the happinees and vitality of rural households Case: Villages of Torbat-e-Heydariyeh and Fooman county

Human Geography Research


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Earlier sowing combined with nitrogen fertilization to adapt to climate change effects on yield of winter wheat in arid environments: Results from a field and modeling study

European Journal of Agronomy


Mostafa Oveisi
Mostafa Oveisi

H-Index: 9

Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Flood Frequency Analysis under Nonstationary Modeling in the Gorganrood River Basin, Iran

Journal of Hydrologic Engineering


Investigating factors affecting the sustainable livelihood of rural households: a case study of agricultural section of rostaq rural district in Khalilabad County

Village and Space Sustainable Development


Seyed Hadi Tayebnia
Seyed Hadi Tayebnia

H-Index: 2

Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Investigation of land use changes in Gorganrood catchment using Google Earth Engine platform

Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering


Improved teleconnective predictability of monthly precipitation amounts using canonical correlation analysis

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Spring-Sown Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Net Irrigation Water Requirement and Potential Yield in Karaj, Iran (Climate Classification: BSk)

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Evaluation of Quantile Mapping Methods in Bias Correction of the TRMM Satellite’s Estimated Precipitation Data During Vegetation Growth Period (Apr-Oct) in Kermanshah Province

Journal of Agricultural Meteorology


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Evaluating the Efficiency of Hybrid Metamodels of Machine Learning and Box Jenkins in Order to Model Dust Storms (Case Study: Khuzestan Province)

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Satellite-based monitoring of the algal communities of aras dam reservoir: meteorological dependence analysis and the footprint of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on the …

International Journal of Environmental Research


Zahra Aghashariatmadari
Zahra Aghashariatmadari

H-Index: 4

Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

A hybrid drought Index for assessing agricultural drought in arid and semi-arid coastal areas of Southern Iran

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Improving the precision of Snowmelt runoff simulation and sensitivity analysis of parameters and climatic variables in the Tamar basin, Iran

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research ISNN


The effect of climate fluctuation on frequency of dust storms in Iran

Desert Ecosystem Engineering


Abdolmajid Liaghat
Abdolmajid Liaghat

H-Index: 18

Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

A Comparative study on climate maps of Iran in extended de Martonne classification and application of the method for world climate zoning

Journal of Agricultural Meteorology


Development of a non-stationary standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (NSPEI) for drought monitoring in a changing climate

Water Resources Management


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

Kokab Shahgholian
Kokab Shahgholian

H-Index: 1

Determining the relationship between temperature extreme variables and the frequency of environmental dust and evaluating the best model for predicting the FDSD index in the …

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Javad Bazrafshan
Javad Bazrafshan

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Javad Bazrafshan University(University of Tehran)

