Jared W Young

Jared W Young

University of California, San Diego

H-index: 53

North America-United States

About Jared W Young

Jared W Young, With an exceptional h-index of 53 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, San Diego,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

104. Modafinil Exerts Dose-Dependent Effects on Risk-Taking as Measured by the Human Iowa Gambling Task

118. Deschloroclozapine (DCZ) Reduced Total Punishment Time in Mice Performing the Iowa Gambling Task, Irrespective of DREADD Expression

The Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognition in People with HIV: Evidence of Function-Dependent Effects and Mechanisms from Clinical and Preclinical Studies

The role of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system in sleep regulation and cognition: a review of human and animal studies

Psychosis superspectrum II: neurobiology, treatment, and implications

Sex differences in risk-based decision-making and the modulation of risk preference by dopamine-2 like receptors in rats

Amphetamine increases motivation of humans and mice as measured by breakpoint, but does not affect an Electroencephalographic biomarker

Using cross-species behavioral tools to determine mechanisms contributing to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder and comorbid substance use

Jared W Young Information






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Top articles of Jared W Young

104. Modafinil Exerts Dose-Dependent Effects on Risk-Taking as Measured by the Human Iowa Gambling Task

Biological Psychiatry


118. Deschloroclozapine (DCZ) Reduced Total Punishment Time in Mice Performing the Iowa Gambling Task, Irrespective of DREADD Expression

Biological Psychiatry


Benjamin Roberts
Benjamin Roberts

H-Index: 4

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

The Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognition in People with HIV: Evidence of Function-Dependent Effects and Mechanisms from Clinical and Preclinical Studies


Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

The role of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system in sleep regulation and cognition: a review of human and animal studies


Psychosis superspectrum II: neurobiology, treatment, and implications


Roman Kotov
Roman Kotov

H-Index: 49

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Sex differences in risk-based decision-making and the modulation of risk preference by dopamine-2 like receptors in rats



Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Amphetamine increases motivation of humans and mice as measured by breakpoint, but does not affect an Electroencephalographic biomarker

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience


James F Cavanagh
James F Cavanagh

H-Index: 29

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Using cross-species behavioral tools to determine mechanisms contributing to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder and comorbid substance use


Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

THC Improved Learning in HIV-1 Transgenic Rats Without Affecting Wildtype Littermates, While They Did Not Differ in THC-Induced Physiological Responses


Daily mood and cognitive performance of women with and without bipolar disorder: role of menopausal status

Archives of Women's Mental Health


30 years of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society: Perspectives on progress from Past Presidents.


Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

15 Exploratory Factor Analysis of Cognitive and Positive Valence Measures for the RDoC

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society


Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

17 Norming for the reverse-translated 5-choice continuous performance test (5C-CPT) of attention and cognitive control

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society


Robert Heaton
Robert Heaton

H-Index: 4

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

63 Sex-Dependent Effects in Dopaminergic Modulation of Risky Decision-Making in Rats

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society


Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Short-active gestational photoperiod reduces effortful choice behavior in mice, partial normalization by d-amphetamine



Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Impaired cognitive control after moderate prenatal alcohol exposure corresponds to altered EEG power during a rodent touchscreen continuous performance task



James F Cavanagh
James F Cavanagh

H-Index: 29

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

A Pilot Assessment of the Effects of HIV and Methamphetamine Dependence on Socially Dysregulated Behavior in the Human Behavioral Pattern Monitor

AIDS and Behavior


William Perry
William Perry

H-Index: 3

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Reinforcement learning deficits exhibited by postnatal PCP-treated rats enable deep neural network classification



Samarth Aggarwal
Samarth Aggarwal

H-Index: 1

Jared W Young
Jared W Young

H-Index: 34

Modulation of ventromedial orbitofrontal cortical glutamatergic activity affects the explore-exploit balance and influences value-based decision-making

Cerebral Cortex


CADM2 is implicated in impulsive personality and numerous other traits by genome- and phenome-wide association studies in humans and mice

Translational psychiatry


See List of Professors in Jared W Young University(University of California, San Diego)

