James Knighton

James Knighton

University of Connecticut

H-index: 18

North America-United States

About James Knighton

James Knighton, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Connecticut, specializes in the field of physical hydrology, hydrologic modeling, flood risk, hydrometeorology, stable water isotopes.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How you teach changes who you reach: understanding the effect of teaching modality on engagement, interest, and learning in hydrology

Evidence for variations in cryogenic extraction deuterium biases of plant xylem water across foundational northeastern US trees

Forecasting hydrologic controls on juvenile anadromous fish out-migration with process-based modeling and machine learning

Characterizing the heterogeneity of eastern hemlock xylem water isotopic compositions: Implications for the design of plant water uptake studies

Housing market dynamics of the post-Sandy Hudson estuary, Long Island Sound, and New Jersey coastline are explained by NFIP participation

Potential Hydrologic Pathways of Deicing Salt Chloride Transport Evaluated with SWMM

Shallow and local or deep and regional? Inferring source groundwater characteristics across mainstem riverbank discharge faces

Water Ages Explain Tradeoffs Between Long‐Term Evapotranspiration and Ecosystem Drought Resilience

James Knighton Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

James Knighton Skills & Research Interests

physical hydrology

hydrologic modeling

flood risk


stable water isotopes

Top articles of James Knighton

How you teach changes who you reach: understanding the effect of teaching modality on engagement, interest, and learning in hydrology



Christine Georgakakos
Christine Georgakakos

H-Index: 5

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Evidence for variations in cryogenic extraction deuterium biases of plant xylem water across foundational northeastern US trees

Hydrological Processes


Forecasting hydrologic controls on juvenile anadromous fish out-migration with process-based modeling and machine learning

Journal of Environmental Management


Katherine King
Katherine King

H-Index: 7

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Characterizing the heterogeneity of eastern hemlock xylem water isotopic compositions: Implications for the design of plant water uptake studies



Kevin Li
Kevin Li

H-Index: 6

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Housing market dynamics of the post-Sandy Hudson estuary, Long Island Sound, and New Jersey coastline are explained by NFIP participation

Environmental Research Letters


Rebecca Elliott
Rebecca Elliott

H-Index: 44

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Potential Hydrologic Pathways of Deicing Salt Chloride Transport Evaluated with SWMM

Journal of Hydrologic Engineering


Michael Dietz
Michael Dietz

H-Index: 5

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Shallow and local or deep and regional? Inferring source groundwater characteristics across mainstem riverbank discharge faces

Hydrological Processes


Kevin Jackson
Kevin Jackson

H-Index: 2

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Water Ages Explain Tradeoffs Between Long‐Term Evapotranspiration and Ecosystem Drought Resilience

Geophysical Research Letters


Integrated Xylem Water Isotopic Observations and Process-based Ecohydrological Model Simulations Reveal Species-Level Plant Hydraulics

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Kevin Li
Kevin Li

H-Index: 6

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Parameterizing Vegetation Traits With a Process‐Based Ecohydrological Model and Xylem Water Isotopic Observations

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Using Stable Water Isotopes to Study Soil Water Age in Sloped Agricultural Fields

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

A Watershed Management Decision-Support Tool to Predict Juvenile Herring Out-Migration Loss Using a Process-Based Hydrologic Model

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Tracing the Movement of Pharmaceuticals in Small Agricultural Watersheds via Tracer-aided Monitoring (2H, 18O, Pharmaceuticals)

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Using Stable Isotopes in Water to Examine Forest Stand Ecohydrologic Response to Loss of Species Diversity

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Kevin Li
Kevin Li

H-Index: 6

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Spatial and Temporal Variation of Hydrological Risk in Rural and Urban Environmental Justice Communities

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Cielo Sharkus
Cielo Sharkus

H-Index: 0

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Water Use Strategy of Riparian Conifers Varies with Tree Size and Depends on Coordination of Water Uptake Depth and Internal Tree Water Storage



Kevin Li
Kevin Li

H-Index: 6

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Studying Root Water Uptake Variations between Younger and Older Riparian Trees with Stable Water Isotopic Ratios

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Kevin Li
Kevin Li

H-Index: 6

James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Using SWMM to Estimate Hydrologic Pathways for Chloride Transport from Deicing Salts

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Michael Dietz
Michael Dietz

H-Index: 5

Phylogenetic underpinning of groundwater use by trees

Geophysical Research Letters


James Knighton
James Knighton

H-Index: 10

Contrasting adaptive strategies by Caragana korshinskii and Salix psammophila in a semiarid revegetated ecosystem

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


See List of Professors in James Knighton University(University of Connecticut)

