Jalil Moradi

About Jalil Moradi

Jalil Moradi, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Arak University, specializes in the field of Motor Behavior, Motor learning, Motor Development, Sport Psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effect of individual and team sports on working memory and attention of the elderly

تعیین روایی و پایایی نسخه فارسی مقیاس واکنش‎ پذیری به استرس ادراک‌شده در ورزشکاران نوجوان (PSRS-AA)‎

Comparison of the Characteristics of the Five Major Personality Factors in Bodybuilding and Fitness Athletes with and without Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

Effectiveness of Teaching General Courses on Theoretical Foundations of Islam on Religious Identity and Academic Resilience of Sports Science Students at Ilam University

Prediction of Social Trust, Self-control and Self-efficacy based on the Level of Physical Activity in Veterans and Disabled

The Effect of Motor-Mental Pre-performance Routines on the Learning of Fine and Gross Motor Skills

The Effect of Part and Whole Practice on Learning Lay-Up Shot Skill in Young and Adolescent Male Students

Designing and Standardizing the Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Assessment Questionnaire in Iranian Society

Jalil Moradi Information



Department of motor behaviorCollege of Sport Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jalil Moradi Skills & Research Interests

Motor Behavior

Motor learning

Motor Development

Sport Psychology

Top articles of Jalil Moradi

The effect of individual and team sports on working memory and attention of the elderly

Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences


Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

تعیین روایی و پایایی نسخه فارسی مقیاس واکنش‎ پذیری به استرس ادراک‌شده در ورزشکاران نوجوان (PSRS-AA)‎

نشریه رشد و یادگیری حرکتی ورزشی


Comparison of the Characteristics of the Five Major Personality Factors in Bodybuilding and Fitness Athletes with and without Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences


Hossein Samadi
Hossein Samadi

H-Index: 2

Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Effectiveness of Teaching General Courses on Theoretical Foundations of Islam on Religious Identity and Academic Resilience of Sports Science Students at Ilam University

Journal of Religion and Health


Prediction of Social Trust, Self-control and Self-efficacy based on the Level of Physical Activity in Veterans and Disabled

Journal of Military Medicine


Hossein Samadi
Hossein Samadi

H-Index: 2

Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

The Effect of Motor-Mental Pre-performance Routines on the Learning of Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Sports Psychology


Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Alireza Bahrami
Alireza Bahrami

H-Index: 2

The Effect of Part and Whole Practice on Learning Lay-Up Shot Skill in Young and Adolescent Male Students

Journal of Motor Learning and Development


Designing and Standardizing the Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Assessment Questionnaire in Iranian Society


Alireza Bahrami
Alireza Bahrami

H-Index: 2

Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Psychometric properties of Persian version of the perceived physical literacy instrument (PPLI)

Payesh (Health Monitor)


پیش‌بینی میزان آسیب‌های ورزشی براساس استحکام ذهنی در جوانان والیبالیست‎

پژوهش در توانبخشی ورزشی


Psychometric properties of the Persian Version of Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS)

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth


The‌ Effect of Forgiveness Training on Perception of Failure on Volleyball Players

Sports Psychology


Alireza Bahrami
Alireza Bahrami

H-Index: 2

Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

The relationship between body mass index and the level of physical activity with anxiety caused by COVID-19



The Effects of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Learning a Static Balance Skill in Children with Mild Mental Retardation

International Journal of Pediatrics


Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Effectiveness of sports activities on cognitive emotion regulation strategies, perceived psychological stress, and psychological hardiness of veterans and the disabled

Iranian Journal of War and Public Health


The Effect of Constant and Variable Practice on the Learning of Soccer Pass Skill in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Alireza Bahrami
Alireza Bahrami

H-Index: 2

Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) on Mental Fatigue and performance of Basketball Player

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


The Effect of Self-Modeling with Mobile Phone on Overarm Throwing Skill in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Journal of Motor Control and Learning


Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Reply to the Comments on Moradi, J. (2020): Benefits of a Guided Motor Mental Performance Routine on Learning the Basketball Free Throw. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 127, 248–262

Perceptual and motor skills


Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Psychometric Characteristics of Persian Version of the Commitment to Physical Activity Scale for Adolescents

Sports Psychology


Jalil Moradi
Jalil Moradi

H-Index: 4

Mina Ahmadi
Mina Ahmadi

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Jalil Moradi University(Arak University)

