Jafar Seyfabadi

About Jafar Seyfabadi

Jafar Seyfabadi, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tarbiat Modares University, specializes in the field of Marine Biology & Aquaculture.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effect of habitat structural complexity on gastropods in an arid mangrove wetland

Assessing the ecological quality status of arid mangroves in the Gulf of Oman, Iran, using benthic indices of AMBI, M-AMBI, and BENTIX

The effects of the water-soluble fractions of crude oil on liver and kidney tissues of Caspian Kutum juveniles, Rutilus frisii

Mesozooplankton communities related to water masses in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

Polychaete Diversity and Functional Trait Composition in Subtropical Mangrove Ecosystems

Recruitment of biofouling assemblages in a coral reefs ecosystem: combined effects of reduced grazing and nutrient enrichment on functional groups

Recruitment of biofouling communities in the coral reefs of Hengam Island (Persian Gulf): The interaction of nutrients and grazing

Scleractinian coral communities of Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf

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Citations(since 2020)


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Jafar Seyfabadi Skills & Research Interests

Marine Biology & Aquaculture

Top articles of Jafar Seyfabadi

The effect of habitat structural complexity on gastropods in an arid mangrove wetland

Wetlands Ecology and Management


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Assessing the ecological quality status of arid mangroves in the Gulf of Oman, Iran, using benthic indices of AMBI, M-AMBI, and BENTIX

International Journal of Aquatic Biology


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Hassan Rahimian
Hassan Rahimian

H-Index: 8

The effects of the water-soluble fractions of crude oil on liver and kidney tissues of Caspian Kutum juveniles, Rutilus frisii

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Ebrahim Lari
Ebrahim Lari

H-Index: 9

Mesozooplankton communities related to water masses in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Polychaete Diversity and Functional Trait Composition in Subtropical Mangrove Ecosystems



Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Hassan Rahimian
Hassan Rahimian

H-Index: 8

Recruitment of biofouling assemblages in a coral reefs ecosystem: combined effects of reduced grazing and nutrient enrichment on functional groups


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Ali Nasrolahi
Ali Nasrolahi

H-Index: 9

Recruitment of biofouling communities in the coral reefs of Hengam Island (Persian Gulf): The interaction of nutrients and grazing

Journal of Animal Environment


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Ali Nasrolahi
Ali Nasrolahi

H-Index: 9

Scleractinian coral communities of Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf

Acta Oceanologica Sinica


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Mesozooplankton community in near-hypoxic and hypoxic layers of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Bioerosion and its relationship with skeletal density of Platygyra daedalea and Porites harrisoni in Larak Island, Persian Gulf

Marine Ecology


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Fungal metagenome diversity of recirculating aquaculture and biofloc rearing systems of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by using ITS 2

Journal of Animal Environment


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Habibollah Younesi
Habibollah Younesi

H-Index: 40

Species Identification of Nacellidae Thiele, 1891 Family in Hormuz Island (Persian Gulf)

Journal of Animal Research (Iranian Journal of Biology)


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Comparison between recirculating aquaculture and biofloc systems for rearing juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio): Growth performance, haemato …

Aquaculture research


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Habibollah Younesi
Habibollah Younesi

H-Index: 40

Morphological plasticity of the Aden Nerite, Nerita adenensis Mienis, 1978 (Gastropoda: Cycloneritida: Neritidae)

Molluscan research


Mohammad Sadegh Alavi-Yeganeh
Mohammad Sadegh Alavi-Yeganeh

H-Index: 5

Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

Spatiotemporal relationships between life stages of the invasive ctenophore, Mnemiopsis leidyi, and environmental parameters in the southern Caspian Sea

Journal of Great Lakes Research


Abundance and distribution pattern of Zoantharians (Cnidaria: Zoanthidea) in intertidal zone of Hormuz Island, the Persian Gulf

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Jafar Seyfabadi
Jafar Seyfabadi

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Jafar Seyfabadi University(Tarbiat Modares University)