Jack Tomlin

About Jack Tomlin

Jack Tomlin, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Rostock, specializes in the field of Forensic mental health, Criminology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Variations in services and intervention pathways for traumatic stress in Welsh prisons: A national survey

Internationale Aspekte der forensischen Psychiatrie

Patient advisory board for dementia research (Part-Beirat): survey on knowledge on participatory research

The EssenCES measure of ward atmosphere: Mokken scaling, confirmatory factor analysis, and investigating patient-level characteristics

Care for older forensic mental health patients: A consensus guidance document

Quality of life, wellbeing, recovery, and progress for older forensic mental health patients: a qualitative investigation based on the perspectives of patients and staff

Implementation and evaluation of participatory advisory boards in mental health research: a research protocol of the ‘PART-Beirat’project

Can prisons be trauma-informed? Reflections on the development of a trauma-informed approach

Jack Tomlin Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jack Tomlin Skills & Research Interests

Forensic mental health


Top articles of Jack Tomlin

Variations in services and intervention pathways for traumatic stress in Welsh prisons: A national survey

Medico-Legal Journal


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Andrew Forrester
Andrew Forrester

H-Index: 19

Internationale Aspekte der forensischen Psychiatrie


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Patient advisory board for dementia research (Part-Beirat): survey on knowledge on participatory research


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

The EssenCES measure of ward atmosphere: Mokken scaling, confirmatory factor analysis, and investigating patient-level characteristics

International Journal of Forensic Mental Health


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Care for older forensic mental health patients: A consensus guidance document

European Psychiatry


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Quality of life, wellbeing, recovery, and progress for older forensic mental health patients: a qualitative investigation based on the perspectives of patients and staff

International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Implementation and evaluation of participatory advisory boards in mental health research: a research protocol of the ‘PART-Beirat’project


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Can prisons be trauma-informed? Reflections on the development of a trauma-informed approach

Journal of forensic and legal medicine


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Andrew Forrester
Andrew Forrester

H-Index: 19

Procedural justice and forensic mental health: An introduction and future directions

Medicine, Science and the Law


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Alexander Simpson
Alexander Simpson

H-Index: 19

An exploration of staff views of a trauma-informed pathway in a sentenced and remand prison

The Journal of Forensic Practice


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Andrew Forrester
Andrew Forrester

H-Index: 19

Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative …

Journal of Health Services Research & Policy


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Marginalisation and diversity in forensic mental health care

Diversity and Marginalisation in Forensic Mental Health Care


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of …


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Older forensic mental healthcare patients in England: demographics, physical health, mental wellbeing, cognitive ability and quality of life

NIHR Open Research


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Forensic mental health in Europe: shared legal heritage and contemporary landscape

Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences in Eastern Europe)


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Strength-and recovery-based approaches in forensic mental health in late modernity: Increasingly incorporating a human rights angle?

Social Theory & Health


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Longer than prison? A comparison of length of stay in a medium security hospital and prison for perpetrators of violent crimes other than homicide or attempted homicide

Criminal behaviour and mental health


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

The climate crisis and forensic mental healthcare: what are we doing?

BJPsych bulletin


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

Forensic mental health in Europe: some key figures

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology


A comparison of English and Dutch long-stay patients in forensic psychiatric care

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Jack Tomlin
Jack Tomlin

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Jack Tomlin University(Universität Rostock)