Ivar Midtkandal

About Ivar Midtkandal

Ivar Midtkandal, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Oslo, specializes in the field of geology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The interplay between siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems: Maastrichtian to Danian basin‐floor sediments of the mid‐Norwegian Møre Basin

Origin of paired extension-compression during rotational rifting: An early Paleogene example from the northeast Atlantic region and its implications

Structural control of igneous intrusions on fluid migration in sedimentary basins: the case study of large bitumen seeps at Cerro Alquitrán and Cerro La Paloma, northern …

Feather-like submarine channels: a unique imprint of overbank flows imaged by 3D seismic data

Backwater length estimates in modern and ancient fluvio-deltaic settings: Review and proposal of standardized workflows

Alluvial development during climate fluctuations depicted with spectral decomposition of the Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic post‐rift succession in the Horda Platform …

Obtaining backwater length estimates in modern and ancient fluvio-deltaic settings: review and proposal of standardized workflows

The long‐term legacy of subvolcanic intrusions on fluid migration in sedimentary basins: The Cerro Alquitrán case study, northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Ivar Midtkandal Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Ivar Midtkandal Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Ivar Midtkandal

The interplay between siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems: Maastrichtian to Danian basin‐floor sediments of the mid‐Norwegian Møre Basin

Basin Research


Hans Jørgen Kjøll
Hans Jørgen Kjøll

H-Index: 5

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Origin of paired extension-compression during rotational rifting: An early Paleogene example from the northeast Atlantic region and its implications



Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Jan Inge Faleide
Jan Inge Faleide

H-Index: 38

Structural control of igneous intrusions on fluid migration in sedimentary basins: the case study of large bitumen seeps at Cerro Alquitrán and Cerro La Paloma, northern …

Geological Society, London, Special Publications


Feather-like submarine channels: a unique imprint of overbank flows imaged by 3D seismic data


Ingrid Anell
Ingrid Anell

H-Index: 12

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Backwater length estimates in modern and ancient fluvio-deltaic settings: Review and proposal of standardized workflows


Alluvial development during climate fluctuations depicted with spectral decomposition of the Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic post‐rift succession in the Horda Platform …

Basin Research


Jan Inge Faleide
Jan Inge Faleide

H-Index: 38

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Obtaining backwater length estimates in modern and ancient fluvio-deltaic settings: review and proposal of standardized workflows


The long‐term legacy of subvolcanic intrusions on fluid migration in sedimentary basins: The Cerro Alquitrán case study, northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Basin Research


José Mescua
José Mescua

H-Index: 16

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

A discourse on factors influencing the formation of sigmoidal and linear slope-geometries in the deltaic clinoforms of the calciclastic Sobrarbe Delta, Ainsa Basin, Spain

Marine and Petroleum Geology


A novel channel system and dome north of Shetland in the southern Møre Basin


The stratigraphy of a glacial cycle: a study case of the Weichselian deposits of the North Sea Fan

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Impact of faulting in depocentres development, facies assemblages, drainage patterns, and provenance in continental half-graben basins: An example from the Fanja Basin of Oman

Basin Research


Alvar Braathen
Alvar Braathen

H-Index: 29

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Volcanism and carbon cycle perturbations in the High Arctic during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


Regolith and host rock influences on CO2 leakage: Active source seismic profiling across the Little Grand Wash fault, Utah

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control


Alvar Braathen
Alvar Braathen

H-Index: 29

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

From metamorphic core complex to crustal scale rollover: Post-Caledonian tectonic development of the Utsira High, North Sea



Contourites of the Northern North Sea, North Sea Fan, and Mid-Norwegian Margin


Rachel Barrett
Rachel Barrett

H-Index: 2

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Trough mouth fans as high-resolution source-to-sink archives

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Rachel Barrett
Rachel Barrett

H-Index: 2

Ivar Midtkandal
Ivar Midtkandal

H-Index: 13

Mixed sedimentation of the North Sea Fan-insights on volumes of contourites, plumites and downslope deposits during a full glacial-interglacial cycle

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


A digital Circum-Arctic geological repository from the NORRAM project

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


The Permian-Triassic boundary across the Barents Shelf: an intricate record of climate change, mass extinction, recovery, and basin reorganisation

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


See List of Professors in Ivar Midtkandal University(Universitetet i Oslo)