Ivan Jukic

About Ivan Jukic

Ivan Jukic, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Auckland University of Technology, specializes in the field of Sport Science, Strength and Conditioning, Human Performance.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The relationship between running biomechanics and running economy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

Modeling the repetitions‐in‐reserve‐velocity relationship: a valid method for resistance training monitoring and prescription, and fatigue management

Comment on “Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on muscle strength and muscular endurance: A systematic review with meta-analysis”

Fueling for and recovering from resistance training: The peri-workout nutrition practices of competitive powerlifters

健康なサッカー選手におけるハムストリングス肉離れの修正可能な危険因子に対するトレーニング介入の効果: システマティックレビュー

The Effects of Training Interventions on Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors in Healthy Soccer Players: A Systematic Review

Exploring the Dose-Response Relationship Between Estimated Resistance Training Proximity to Failure, Strength Gain, and Muscle Hypertrophy: A Series of Meta-Regressions

The association between running technique and running economy: a systematic review of observational studies

Ivan Jukic Information



Sport Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ivan Jukic Skills & Research Interests

Sport Science

Strength and Conditioning

Human Performance

Top articles of Ivan Jukic

The relationship between running biomechanics and running economy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Modeling the repetitions‐in‐reserve‐velocity relationship: a valid method for resistance training monitoring and prescription, and fatigue management

Physiological Reports


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Comment on “Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on muscle strength and muscular endurance: A systematic review with meta-analysis”


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Andrew King
Andrew King

H-Index: 8

Fueling for and recovering from resistance training: The peri-workout nutrition practices of competitive powerlifters



健康なサッカー選手におけるハムストリングス肉離れの修正可能な危険因子に対するトレーニング介入の効果: システマティックレビュー

Strength and Conditioning Journal Japan


John Cronin
John Cronin

H-Index: 56

Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

The Effects of Training Interventions on Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors in Healthy Soccer Players: A Systematic Review


John Cronin
John Cronin

H-Index: 56

Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Exploring the Dose-Response Relationship Between Estimated Resistance Training Proximity to Failure, Strength Gain, and Muscle Hypertrophy: A Series of Meta-Regressions


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

The association between running technique and running economy: a systematic review of observational studies


Velocity-based resistance training monitoring and prescription: the good, the bad, and the alternatives


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

The acute and chronic effects of implementing velocity loss thresholds during resistance training: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and critical evaluation of the literature


The general nutrition practices of competitive powerlifters vary by competitive calibre and sex, weight, and age class

European Journal of Nutrition


One velocity loss threshold does not fit all: Consideration of sex, training status, history, and personality traits when monitoring and controlling fatigue during resistance …

Sports Medicine-Open


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Two-point method applied in field conditions: a feasible approach to assess the load-velocity relationship variables during the bench pull exercise

The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Sergio Miras-Moreno
Sergio Miras-Moreno

H-Index: 3

Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

The fastest repetition in a set predicts the number of repetitions completed to failure during resistance training: The impact of individual characteristics

Physiology & Behavior


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Velocity loss is a flawed method for monitoring and prescribing resistance training volume with a free-weight back squat exercise

European Journal of Applied Physiology


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Andrew King
Andrew King

H-Index: 8

Implementing a velocity-based approach to resistance training: the reproducibility and sensitivity of different velocity monitoring technologies

Scientific Reports


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Andrew King
Andrew King

H-Index: 8

Velocity-based resistance training monitoring: Influence of lifting straps, reference repetitions, and variable selection in resistance-trained men

Sports Health


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Velocity-based approach to resistance training: the reproducibility and sensitivity of commercially available velocity monitoring technologies


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Andrew King
Andrew King

H-Index: 8

The ergogenic effects of acute carbohydrate feeding on resistance exercise performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Load-velocity relationship variables to assess the maximal neuromuscular capacities during the back-squat exercise

Sports Health


Ivan Jukic
Ivan Jukic

H-Index: 7

Zeki Akyildiz
Zeki Akyildiz

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Ivan Jukic University(Auckland University of Technology)

