Iraj Jafari gavzan

About Iraj Jafari gavzan

Iraj Jafari gavzan, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 3 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Semnan University, specializes in the field of Turbulence, Boundary layer, Perturbation in fluid mechanics, Cavitation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Influence of the Generation of Gas Bubbles in Flooded Lead–Acid Batteries on Their Thermal Behavior

Numerical and experimental investigation on the effect of using blended gasoline-ethanol fuel on the performance and the emissions of the bi-fuel Iranian national engine

Temperature rise and thermal runaway phenomena in Flooded Lead–Acid Batteries based on experimental studies

Developing an electro-thermal model to determine heat generation and thermal properties in a lithium-ion battery

State of charge estimation for lithium‐ion batteries based on square root sigma point Kalman filter considering temperature variations

Experimental investigation of the effect of C‐rate, electrode gaps, and electrode surface roughness on the performance characterization of lead‐acid batteries

Experimental investigation on the effect of surface characterization of electrodes on the gas bubble dynamics in electrolyte flow and performance of FLA batteries by using PIV

Particle Image Velocimetry study on the formation of gas bubbles and electrolyte velocity due to electrochemical reactions for different distances between the electrodes of …

Iraj Jafari gavzan Information



(Assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering)



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Iraj Jafari gavzan Skills & Research Interests


Boundary layer

Perturbation in fluid mechanics


Top articles of Iraj Jafari gavzan

Influence of the Generation of Gas Bubbles in Flooded Lead–Acid Batteries on Their Thermal Behavior

Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics


Numerical and experimental investigation on the effect of using blended gasoline-ethanol fuel on the performance and the emissions of the bi-fuel Iranian national engine


Temperature rise and thermal runaway phenomena in Flooded Lead–Acid Batteries based on experimental studies

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering


Developing an electro-thermal model to determine heat generation and thermal properties in a lithium-ion battery

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry


Davoud Mahboubi
Davoud Mahboubi

H-Index: 0

Iraj Jafari Gavzan
Iraj Jafari Gavzan

H-Index: 2

State of charge estimation for lithium‐ion batteries based on square root sigma point Kalman filter considering temperature variations

IET Electrical Systems in Transportation


Davoud Mahboubi
Davoud Mahboubi

H-Index: 0

Iraj Jafari Gavzan
Iraj Jafari Gavzan

H-Index: 2

Experimental investigation of the effect of C‐rate, electrode gaps, and electrode surface roughness on the performance characterization of lead‐acid batteries

International Journal of Energy Research


Experimental investigation on the effect of surface characterization of electrodes on the gas bubble dynamics in electrolyte flow and performance of FLA batteries by using PIV


Particle Image Velocimetry study on the formation of gas bubbles and electrolyte velocity due to electrochemical reactions for different distances between the electrodes of …

International journal of hydrogen energy


Influence of surfactant additives on the electrolyte flow velocity and insoluble gas bubbles behavior within a lead-acid battery

Journal of The Electrochemical Society


Measurement of the electrolyte flow velocity and bubbles characterization during electrochemical reactions in lead-acid batteries using the PIV system

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry


See List of Professors in Iraj Jafari gavzan University(Semnan University)