Ilse Storch

About Ilse Storch

Ilse Storch, With an exceptional h-index of 44 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, specializes in the field of wildlife ecology, conservation biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Specialist carabids in mixed montane forests are positively associated with biodiversity-oriented forestry and abundance of roe deer

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Multi-purpose Forest Management Practices on the Breeding Success of Forest Birds

The potential of historical spy-satellite imagery to support research in ecology and conservation

Lying deadwood retention affects microhabitat use of martens (Martes spp.) in European mountain forests

Numerical top‐down effects on red deer (Cervus elaphus) are mainly shaped by humans rather than large carnivores across Europe

Are the same factors determining biodiversity in cities across different regions? Comparing drivers of urban bird richness patterns in Southern Asia vs. Western Europe

Use of viscera from hunted roe deer by vertebrate scavengers in summer in central European mountainous mixed forest

Effects of understory characteristics on browsing patterns of roe deer in central European mountain forests

Ilse Storch Information



Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ilse Storch Skills & Research Interests

wildlife ecology

conservation biology

Top articles of Ilse Storch

Specialist carabids in mixed montane forests are positively associated with biodiversity-oriented forestry and abundance of roe deer

Global Ecology and Conservation


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Multi-purpose Forest Management Practices on the Breeding Success of Forest Birds


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

The potential of historical spy-satellite imagery to support research in ecology and conservation


Lying deadwood retention affects microhabitat use of martens (Martes spp.) in European mountain forests

Wildlife Biology


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Numerical top‐down effects on red deer (Cervus elaphus) are mainly shaped by humans rather than large carnivores across Europe

Journal of Applied Ecology


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Are the same factors determining biodiversity in cities across different regions? Comparing drivers of urban bird richness patterns in Southern Asia vs. Western Europe

Urban Ecosystems


Luca Corlatti
Luca Corlatti

H-Index: 12

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Use of viscera from hunted roe deer by vertebrate scavengers in summer in central European mountainous mixed forest

Wildlife Biology


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Manisha Bhardwaj
Manisha Bhardwaj

H-Index: 2

Effects of understory characteristics on browsing patterns of roe deer in central European mountain forests

Ecology and Evolution


Manisha Bhardwaj
Manisha Bhardwaj

H-Index: 2

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Forage, forest structure or landscape: What drives roe deer habitat use in a fragmented multiple-use forest ecosystem?

Forest Ecology and Management


Manisha Bhardwaj
Manisha Bhardwaj

H-Index: 2

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Evisceration residues from hunted roe deer as a resource for necrophagous insect fauna in the Black Forest, Germany: a preliminary study

Wildlife Biology


Manisha Bhardwaj
Manisha Bhardwaj

H-Index: 2

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Beta diversities of grassland birds indicate the importance of pastoralism for nature conservation of the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau

Frontiers in Conservation Science


Neighboring Green Network and Landscape Metrics Explain Biodiversity within Small Urban Green Areas—A Case Study on Birds



Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Land cover and socioeconomic factors explain avian diversity in a tropical megacity

Ecology and Society


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

M Niamul Naser
M Niamul Naser

H-Index: 10

Abundance, species richness and diversity of forest bird assemblages–The relative importance of habitat structures and landscape context

Ecological Indicators


Marco Basile
Marco Basile

H-Index: 10

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Data from: Movements of neotropical understory passerines affected by anthropogenic forest edges in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Jean Paul Metzger
Jean Paul Metzger

H-Index: 51

Species co-occurrence and management intensity modulate habitat preferences of forest birds

BMC biology


Marco Basile
Marco Basile

H-Index: 10

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

The interaction of imperviousness and habitat heterogeneity drives bird richness patterns in south Asian cities

Urban Ecosystems


Luca Corlatti
Luca Corlatti

H-Index: 12

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Die Auswirkungen von Windenergieanlagen auf Auerhühner Tetrao urogallus–Ergebnisse eines internationalen Forschungsprojektes


Veronika Braunisch
Veronika Braunisch

H-Index: 24

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Suitability of open digital species records for assessing biodiversity patterns in cities: A case study using avian records

Journal of Urban Ecology


Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

Wind energy facilities affect resource selection of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus

Wildlife Biology


Veronika Braunisch
Veronika Braunisch

H-Index: 24

Ilse Storch
Ilse Storch

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Ilse Storch University(Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)