Ian M Bird

Ian M Bird

University of Wisconsin-Madison

H-index: 50

North America-United States

About Ian M Bird

Ian M Bird, With an exceptional h-index of 50 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Wisconsin-Madison, specializes in the field of Steroidogenesis, endothelial function, pregnancy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The epidermal growth factor receptor in healthy pregnancy and preeclampsia

Perinatal research society’s young investigator workshop prepares the next generation of investigators

Experimentally induced hyperinsulinemia fails to induce polycystic ovary syndrome-like traits in female rhesus macaques

Understanding endothelial dysfunction in preterm preeclampsia with severe features: utility of bedside brachial artery Doppler

Differential control of uterine artery endothelial monolayer integrity by TNF and VEGF is achieved through multiple mechanisms operating inside and outside the cell–Relevance …

Newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia: review of factors affecting screening accuracy

Conjugated linoleic acid improves endothelial Ca2+ signaling by blocking growth factor and cytokine-mediated Cx43 phosphorylation

Evaluation of a motion‐robust 2D chemical shift‐encoded technique for R2* and field map quantification in ferumoxytol‐enhanced MRI of the placenta in pregnant rhesus macaques

Ian M Bird Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Ian M Bird Skills & Research Interests


endothelial function


Top articles of Ian M Bird

The epidermal growth factor receptor in healthy pregnancy and preeclampsia


Ian M Bird
Ian M Bird

H-Index: 21

Perinatal research society’s young investigator workshop prepares the next generation of investigators

Reproductive Sciences


Experimentally induced hyperinsulinemia fails to induce polycystic ovary syndrome-like traits in female rhesus macaques

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Ian M Bird
Ian M Bird

H-Index: 21

David H Abbott
David H Abbott

H-Index: 37

Understanding endothelial dysfunction in preterm preeclampsia with severe features: utility of bedside brachial artery Doppler

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology


Differential control of uterine artery endothelial monolayer integrity by TNF and VEGF is achieved through multiple mechanisms operating inside and outside the cell–Relevance …

Molecular and cellular endocrinology


Ian M Bird
Ian M Bird

H-Index: 21

Newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia: review of factors affecting screening accuracy

BMC pediatrics


Conjugated linoleic acid improves endothelial Ca2+ signaling by blocking growth factor and cytokine-mediated Cx43 phosphorylation

Molecular and cellular endocrinology


Ian M Bird
Ian M Bird

H-Index: 21

Derek S Boeldt
Derek S Boeldt

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of a motion‐robust 2D chemical shift‐encoded technique for R2* and field map quantification in ferumoxytol‐enhanced MRI of the placenta in pregnant rhesus macaques

Journal of magnetic resonance imaging


Quantitative ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI in pregnancy: A feasibility study in the nonhuman primate

Magnetic resonance imaging


Adenoviral transduction of EGFR into pregnancy-adapted uterine artery endothelial cells remaps growth factor induction of endothelial dysfunction

Molecular and cellular endocrinology


Derek S Boeldt
Derek S Boeldt

H-Index: 10

Ian M Bird
Ian M Bird

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Ian M Bird University(University of Wisconsin-Madison)